to act up

[tu ækt ʌp][tu: ækt ʌp]


  • Each Member shall provide the International Labour Office with a current list of any recognized organizations authorized to act on its behalf and it shall keep this list up to date .

    各成员国应向国际劳工局提供一份关于目前授权代表其 行事的任何认可组织的清单,并保持对清单的更新。

  • Although we won 't have all the answers we need to act on the best answers we can come up with .

    尽管我们不会拥有全部的答案,我们需要根据我们能够得到的最好的答案 采取 行动

  • The temptation is to act tough to cover up the doubts by for example flaunting nuclear capabilities .

    因此,对俄罗斯来说,通过炫耀核能力等强硬手段 掩盖疑虑,是一个有诱惑力的 选项

  • The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider .

    年轻的牧民轻快地跃上一匹 惯于 生人使性子的马。

  • The car 's engine is beginning to act up .

    这辆车的引擎 开始毛病

  • The engine began to act up and he thought he would have to hit the silk .

    引擎 开始 失灵,他心想非要跳伞降落不可。

  • It 's an effective way to study the habit of criminal act and set up the information system based on the theory .

    因此.研究犯罪 行为习惯,并以此 理论依据, 建立 犯罪 行为习惯信息系统,是充分发挥其作用的有效途径。

  • He 's not going to act up to his principles .

    他不会 自己的原则 行事的。

  • He wanted me to act like I just showed up .

    要我 假装是偶然 出现

  • The question was so unexpected that for a moment she was at a loss how to act up properly .

    问题来得这么突然,她一时不知道 如何 作出恰当的反应。

  • But he said the Commission had to act when eurozone governments failed to live up to their commitments .

    但他表示,当欧元区各国政府未能 信守承诺时,欧盟委员会 不得不 采取 行动

  • An old injury to his right foot had begun to act up again .

    右脚 的老伤又发作

  • John is not a man to be trusted as he does not often act up to his reputation .

    约翰不是一个可信赖的人,因为他经常 不顾自己的声誉 胡来

  • President George W Bush said the world was watching to see if we can act quickly to shore up our markets .

    布什总统说,全世界都在关注 我们,看我们 能否快速稳定 我们的(金融)市场。

  • As the allies advanced across France he linked up with American forces using his perfect German to act as an interrogator and then washed up stateless in the US where he set up his language-teaching business .

    随着盟军在法国所向披靡,他与美军取得联系,利用自己娴熟的德语审讯战俘。之后,他以无国籍人士的身份 来到美国,发展 自己的语言教学业务。

  • Lexing to give one definition is the act of breaking up input into meaningful words ( also called lexing tokens or lexemes ) .

    定义来看,词法分析是将输入内容分解为有意义的单词(也叫做词法分析记号(lexingtokens)或词位( lexemes))的动作。

  • In order to properly act upon the observation you need to open her up and evoke a feeling .

    对观察 做出正确地 行动。你需要让她敞开 话匣,激发一种感情。

  • To act immediately to scale up the prevention and management of MDR-TB and start developing five-year national strategic plans for MDR-TB embedded within national TB and health sector plans .

    立刻 采取 行动,加强耐多药结核病的预防和管理,并开始制定与国家结核病和卫生部门计划相结合的国家五年耐多药结核战略计划。

  • The rascals like to act up by doodling on walls strumming on the piano and other such goings-on .

    那班淘气鬼最爱胡乱画墙壁、弹拨钢琴等 捣蛋 行为

  • The role of government is then to act as a bank funding fees up front and taking repayment after graduates reach a threshold income .

    这样,政府的角色是 银行的作用, 提供资金,然后在毕业生收入达到某个门槛后征收还款。

  • Curriculum leadership requires structure to maintains and act up .

    课程领导需要一定的组织结构 维持和 运作

  • While at times this can feel a little uncomfortable your best strategy right now will be to act with as much authority and competence you can muster up .

    当然会 你有点不舒服,你最好就是在当下担 更多的权力和主导起你该作的

  • The teacher in charge wants to act according to underachiever 's actual situation sets up the reasonable goal lets them stand on tiptoes may fully and .

    班主任 根据后进生的实际情况, 设立合理的目标,让他们踮足可及。

  • When the chaps tease him he doesn 't know how to act up .

    当朋友们取笑他时,他不知 如何是好

  • To continue monitoring the growth in the vehicle fleet and the resultant increase in highway traffic and to act if economic growth picks up and problems start to manifest ;

    继续监察车辆数目的 增长道路交通需求的影响。若经济复苏而使交通问题再呈现,便应有所 行动

  • Two internationally renowned financial institutes have been appointed to act as the manager and trustee to build up the confidence of the public .

    为了增强公众人士的信心,两所国际知名的财务机构已受聘 盈富基金的经理人和信托人。

  • He tries to act grown up but doesn 't always manage .

    想要 做出大人的模样 ,但有时却装不象。