to say yes

[tu se jɛs][tu: sei jes]


  • It 's just easier to say yes than No.

    对此也只能 同意 居多了。

  • If you keep pressing me there is no way I 'm going to say yes .

    如果你再逼我,我不会 同意的。

  • It was dumb of him to say yes .


  • But if you ask me if it was therapeutic I 'd have to say yes . I haven 't laughed like that in ages .

    若问我是否有疗效,我 觉得有,我 几年没那么笑过了。

  • I 'm sorry to say yes sir .

    很抱歉, 确实 这样,先生。

  • It was impossible to say yes with Mrs Reed sitting there so I was silent .

    里德太太坐在那里,我不可能 ,于是只好沉默。

  • You will have choices that will make it easy to say yes to something that will make you comfortable .

    你会选择 方便 答应一些事情让你舒适。

  • I 'd like to say yes but that 's impossible .

    我倒是 ,但是那是不可能的。

  • If we say yes to you we 'd have to say yes to others .

    假如我们为你破例,或许我们也 不得不 别人 破例

  • You can never expect him to say yes to it .

    你永远也别指望他 答应这件事。

  • Now let 's learn a few ways to say YES and their slightly different meanings .

    现在让来学习 的”的几种它们的细微差别。

  • They really want you to say yes .

    他们真正要你 回答 答案 已婚

  • I always want to say yes but you see I am bound by what I see .

    我一直 ,但是你看,我被我所看到的约束。

  • Then you 'll get him to say yes .

    那你就得 说服他。

  • I don 't want you to feel obligated to say yes .

    我不 让你觉得非 可。

  • You 're going to say yes . - how do you know ?

    你会 答应的-你怎么知道?

  • The inquiries are pouring in because some scientists are ever more willing to say yes perhaps we can .

    这些询问铺天盖地而来,因为一些科学家们在面对这些问题时,更 愿意 ,或者 我们能够”。

  • Colleagues are more likely to say yes to you if they think that you have something in common Martin says .

    马丁说,如果同事发现你和他有共同点, 更有可能 同意你的要求。

  • Then Laban and Bethuel said in answer this is the lord 's doing : it is not for us to say yes or no to you .

    拉班和彼土利回答说,这事乃出于耶和华,我们不能向你 说好说歹

  • Finally sol pointedly asked if he could come to our house . I had to say yes . I knew nothing would make mama happier .

    索尔终于明明白白地问我他是否可以到我们家来。我只能 可以。我知道没有什么能比这个更令妈妈高兴的了。

  • If you want me to say yes right now I-I can 't do that .

    如果你想要我现在就 说好,我,我做不到。

  • It 's much easier to say no when everyone understands that you lack the ability to say yes .

    当每个人都明白你没有能力 时,说不就是很容易的了。

  • When the time comes to say yes or no you need to be ready .

    回答 还是否的时候,你要准备好。

  • After they realize what 's happened few will come back to say yes and do business with liars .

    一旦他们明白发生了什么,很少有人会回来 yes,并且 继续和一个骗子合作。

  • Three months later they want to come back – and in certain cases I have to say yes .

    3个月后,他们希望回来继续工作,在有些情况下,我 不得不 表示 同意

  • If your boss asks you to work late you don 't always have to say yes .

    如果上司叫你加班,你不必每次都 答应

  • And this time you 're actually going to say yes .

    这次,你一定要 回答 遵命

  • Before you can learn any of these things you have to learn to say Yes .

    在学会这些技能之前,你只能学习 Yes

  • We weren 't sure whether to say yes or no.

    我们不能确定是 同意还是反对。