


vt.& vi.拍马,谄媚

  • Smile comes from the heart neither humble nor pushy neither a fool to the weak nor a toady to the strong .

    微笑发自内心, 不卑不亢,既不是对弱者的愚弄,也不是对强者的 奉承

  • I think : not because we worship foreign things and toady to foreign powers but the passion in our heart always needs to look for reason release .

    我个人认为:不是我们 崇洋媚外,而是我们的心中的激情总是需要找理由释放。

  • He is a real toady .


  • I caught a rabbit in the trap toady .


  • He disdains to toady to his boss .

    他不屑 老板 马屁

  • The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages .

    像现在我们所使用的 茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有 什么变化。

  • The young people of toady are in reality foundations of structures yet to be built .

    今天的年轻人是 塑造 建构的现实根基。

  • Which part of me is toady ?

    狗就 ,有 什么 所谓

  • ' Cheer up Toady ' said the Badger ' because now I 'm going to tell you a very great secret . '

    振作起来, ,獾说,因为我将告诉你一个非常重大的秘密。

  • Yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery but toady is a gift that is why it is called the present .

    昨日 过眼云烟,明日 不可知,但是 今日是上天赐给的礼物,所以才要 把握当下。

  • They came backstage afterward cooing and toadying to him .

    她们随后来到后台,对他 谄媚

  • Toady is not yesterday they need to find a new way to live instead of normal ways .


  • Hypocrite and toady and inebriate !

    伪君子, 谄媚 和醉鬼!

  • Don 't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people .


  • Arrogance has no defense against a toady .

    傲慢防不了 谄媚

  • This is several weeks old and therefore the price is not in line with toady 's market .

    既然已过时数周,其价格亦 可能适于 当今市场。

  • We knocked off work a little earlier toady because of the bad weather .

    由于天气不好, 今天我们早一点停止了工作。