to schedule

[tu ˈskɛdʒul][tu: ˈʃedju:əl]


  • Everything went according to schedule

    一切都按 计划进行。

  • When you want to schedule the resource you can invite it to a meeting .

    当您 需要 调度资源时,可以邀请它加入会议。

  • The selected presentation does not contain broadcast information . You need to schedule a new broadcast for this presentation .

    所选演示文稿不包含广播信息。您需 为此演示文稿 安排一次新的广播。

  • According to schedule or without delay .

    按照 预定 计划或不拖延。

  • This feature allows DBAs to schedule common administration tasks for automatic execution .

    该特性允许DBA 安排一些常见的管理任务自动执行。

  • I wanted to schedule a time for our appraiser to come out to your loft .


  • The meeting will take proceed as planned . These operations have been carried out according to schedule .

    会议将按预定的计划进行。这些行动已按 预定 计划实施。

  • In this type of scheduler the time it takes to schedule a task is a function of the number of tasks in the system .

    在这种调度器中, 调度任务所花费的时间是一个系统中任务个数的函数。

  • They push to schedule time to talk through issues .

    她们会 尽量 安排一个时间来讨论问题。

  • I had to schedule my meeting for tomorrow .

    必须 安排明天的会议。

  • Manage resource – This interface provides a method to schedule the resources in the pool .

    管理资源–该界面提供一种方法 调度资源池中的资源。

  • Workqueue interface is introduced in2.5 development to replace the task queue interface ( used to schedule kernel tasks ) .

    工作队列接口是在2.5的开发过程中引入的,用于取代任务队列接口( 用于 调度内核任务)。

  • Navigate to the report that has the subscription you want to schedule .

    导航到具有 计划的订阅的报表。

  • This feature allows the compiler to schedule and optimize the loop in a more efficient way .

    此功能允许编译器 更高效的方式 计划和优化循环。

  • Every train left exactly to the minute according to schedule .

    每辆火车都依照 时刻 一分不差地准点离开。

  • Another question is how to schedule a PUT and a GET on the same buffer without causing conflicts .

    另一个问题是 如何 同一缓冲区上 调度PUT和GET而不造成冲突。

  • When the schedule function comes to identifying the next task to schedule it calls the pick_next_task function .

    当schedule函数开始确定下一个 调度的任务时,它会调用picknexttask函数。

  • This may be useful for example if you want to schedule your deployment .

    对于某些场景可能有用,例如 安排部署 时间

  • You can use the dbcrons feature to schedule load and unload operations by calling stored procedures .

    可以使用dbcrons特性,通过调用存储过程 调度加载和卸载操作。

  • To schedule processes OpenVZ includes a two-level CPU scheduler .

    为了 进程进行 调度,OpenVZ还包括了两级CPU调度器。

  • Use Task Scheduler to schedule computer tasks to run automatically .

    使用任务计划程序 安排自动运行的计算机任务。

  • You may use the chkconfig tool to schedule this service to run at specific run-levels .

    您可以使用chkconfig工具 安排此服务在特定的运行级别上运行。

  • Undo the constraint on the start date to allow project to schedule this task .

    撤消“开始日期”限制 允许project 排定此任务。

  • The task has been accomplished according to schedule .

    任务已 如期完成。

  • This allows all CPUs to schedule tasks without contention from other CPUs .

    这样允许所有的CPU都 可以 任务进行 调度,而不会与其他CPU产生竞争。

  • I 'd like to schedule a meeting for sometime next week .

    下礼拜某个时间 安排一次会面。

  • Use this page to manage the settings and to schedule updates for this content source .

    使用此页面可管理设置并 为此内容源 计划更新。

  • For a daily build you need to schedule the system task automatically .

    对于每日构建,您 需要自动 计划系统任务。

  • I want to schedule the time and place for appointment .


  • This makes it easier for a large school to schedule more flexibly .

    这样一来,一所规模很大的学校就更容易比较灵活地 安排 课程了。