to the extent that...


  • I doubt whether it 's so important to make the performance flawless to the extent that the young singer must have perfect teeth and we can hurt a child in the name of the great .

    我很怀疑这次要使表演完美无瑕达到如此重要 程度以致这位小歌手必须要有完美的牙齿,并且我们能以非常好的名义来伤害到一个孩子。

  • We may not be able to do it to the extent that we would like .

    我们也许无法把 件事做到我们希望的 程度

  • The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives .

    研究历史 价值只 体现 这种研究和我们的日常生活相关时。

  • How your company is in such a short period of time to the extent that astounding ?

    你们公司是如何在如此短的时间内, 达到 这种令人惊叹 程度的呢?

  • To the extent that I have ever grown up I did so in a series of small towns .

    成长经历中,我也在几个小镇 生活过。

  • Expenses are deductible only to the extent that in aggregate they exceed 7 percent of gross income .

    只有在消费总额超过总收入的7%时 可免税。

  • The shortage do not exist to the extent that you report .

    短缺并未严重 你报道 那种 程度

  • I became pregnant but this man was very violent towards me to the extent that I lost our baby

    我怀孕了,但是这个男人对我非常粗暴, 致使我流产了。

  • We are free to the extent that we can act in an unimpeded manner .

    在所允许 限度我们可以无拘束地任何 做的事。

  • To the extent that these Wall Street economists are still employed few would make that argument now .


  • Poor manners have aroused concern and criticism at home and abroad to the extent that they are tarnishing the country 's international image .

    一些不良举止已经在国内外引起了关注和批评。 一定 程度 它们会影响 我国的国际形象。

  • To the extent that these approaches are effective they can reduce contamination risk in aseptic processing .

    这些方法的有效性 来说,它们能减少无菌工艺的污染风险。

  • Violence has increased to the extent that local residents are afraid to leave their homes .

    社会暴力现象已经发展 了当地居民不敢出家门 地步

  • Society progresses to the extent that reason can suppress the passions .

    社会已经进步 理性可以抑制激情的阶段了。

  • We must guard our flanks but not to the extent that we don 't do anything else .

    咱们是必须防护侧翼,但别 因此 了其他事情一概不干 地步

  • Third to the extent that taxpayers bear the risk more equity offsets this implicit subsidy .

    第三, 纳税人承担风险 而言,增加股本可以抵消这种隐性补贴的影响。

  • It becomes available to the extent that all the contents are available .

    它的可用性已经 扩展 了所有内容都可用 程度

  • To the extent that you act in character you are responsible for your actions ;


  • To the extent that the industry is laden with excess capacity these subsidies impede exit and delay adjustment .

    汽车工业存在大量闲置产能 情况下,这些补贴阻止了退出,延误了调整。

  • This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this .

    这件事情已经恶化 如此 程度 整个社会都受到影响。

  • It helped me understandthe pushing to the extent that you think I also don 't understand this .

    我对此也不甚理解 你懂得 多少,我也就懂多少。

  • To the extent that I can be a role model for diverse leaders at Deloitte I love it .

    就我有机会为德勤不同的领导者树立一个榜样 这个 意义 而言,我爱这一刻。

  • Descriptive adequacy is achieved to the extent that a grammar gives a correct account of a speaker 's competence .

    一种语法达到能正确描述一个说话人的能力时,就被 认为 达到描写 的充分性。

  • Unwarranted by the facts to the extent that the facts can be reviewed by the court .

    没有得到 被法院审查的事实 保证。

  • In sum this Lei Fong is sensitive to the extent that he is pedantic and wordy .

    总而言之,这“雷锋”已经细致 有点 迂腐和罗嗦了。

  • The disagreement has gotten worse to the extent that they 're no longer speaking to each other .

    他们 之间的分歧加剧, 以至于 了彼此不再说话的地步。

  • He could only be sorry to the extent that this affected his grandchildren

    这件事 甚至都影响到了他的孙辈 他只有伤心 份儿

  • To the extent that all the people are united as one the nation will surely prosper .


  • To the extent that a country 's imports of certain resources are subsequently embodied in the production of goods which are ultimately consumed elsewhere this finding is one possible outcome .

    某种 程度 一个国家的某些资源的进口最后在商品的生产中体现出来,最终在其他地方消费。这个发现是其中一个可能的结果。

  • Especially in many big cities this waste has become habitual and traditional to the extent that people are seldom aware of it in their daily life .

    尤其在许多大城市里,这种浪费已成为习惯性和传统性了, 以致人们在日常生活中已习以为常了。