to take air

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  • It is a constrictor so that after the prey is caught it is surrounded by coils and its breathing is stopped . When the aeroplane begins to take off the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts .

    南非蟒是大型蟒蛇,它捕捉到猎物后总是用身体将猎物紧紧缠绕,使其窒息而死。飞机 起飞时, 空中小姐总要告诉全体旅客必顺要系紧座位安全带。

  • I have to take a trip by air next week .

    下周我得 飞机外出。

  • She turned on the fire to take the chill from the air .

    她拨旺炉火 驱除 空气中的寒气。

  • This is a cheaper but less convenient because while a corporate jet can usually get clearance to take off by applying to air traffic control a day before smaller aircraft must do so at least a week ahead .

    这种做法成本较低,但不太方便,因为尽管公务喷气式飞机通常提前一天向 空中交通管理部门提交申请,便可 获准 起飞,但小型飞机则必须提前至少一周。

  • Passepartout about nine o'clock went out upon the platform to take the air .

    上午将近九点钟的时候,路路通 车桥上去透透 空气

  • The diaphragm for example forces the lungs to take in air .

    例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部 吸入 空气

  • When the aeroplane begins to take off the air hostess will tell all the passengers that they must fasten their seat belts .

    飞机 起飞时, 空中小姐总要告诉全体旅客必顺要系紧座位安全带。

  • Its aim is to take advantage of air environmental resources fully and make best design of technology condition based on the ability of air self-purification of region studied and seek for concrete countermeasures of improving atmospheric environmental quality .

    根据研究区域的大气自净能力,最大限度 利用 大气环境资源以及技术条件最优化设计,提出适合实际改善大气环境质量的具体对策。

  • I love going outside to take a breath of fresh air to stretch to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes .

    我喜爱 外面走走, 呼吸呼吸新鲜 空气,做做伸展运动,让看电脑看得疲惫眼睛看看自然的阳光。

  • They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air compress it and force it into the cabin .

    他们用一台空气压缩机 大气中的 空气 进来,加以压缩,然后送入船舱。

  • The European Central Bank 's purchases of Spanish and Italian sovereign debt continue to take the air out of inflated bond yields .

    欧洲中央银行购买西班牙和意大利政府债券的行动持续 降低了人们对公债利息过度膨胀的担忧。

  • Dell hopes to take a little air out of Apple 's sails with the Adamo .

    戴尔希望 借此一点点 空气与阿达莫苹果的帆了。

  • I came forth to take the air .

    我出来 透气

  • The ability to take the valuable from life – is the same as to take from the food air and the impressions the substances needed to build up your higher bodies .

    从生活中摄取精华的能力&和从食物、 空气、以及印象中 摄取用以建立你的高等身体所需的物质是一样的。

  • Plant have the power to take this gas from the air combine it with water and make it into their tissues ; in fact it is from this source that all organic carbon comes .

    植物有能力从 空气 吸收二氧化碳,使之与水化合转化成植物的组织,实际上,所有有机碳化合物都是通过这种方式形成的。

  • At this time of year even the most professionally designed and well-organised restaurant kitchen begins to take on the cluttered air that characterises a domestic kitchen over the festive season .

    每年这个时候,即便是设计最专业、组织最有序的餐馆厨房也 开始笼罩着一片混乱的 气氛,在节日期间,英国每家餐馆的厨房都逃脱不掉这一特点。

  • I was so bored that I decided to go to the yard to take a breath of fresh air .

    我在上面呆的实在是太无聊了,我决定要到院子 透透 空气

  • John likes to take exercise in the open air .

    约翰喜欢在 户外 锻炼

  • A few muscles have special functions . the diaphragm for example forces the lungs to take in air .

    有几块肌肉的作用较特殊,例如隔膜肌。它带动肺部 空气

  • Cotton cloth has very strong suction wet sex monsoon when or the area of southern moisture answer to often take air to be basked in .

    棉布有很强的吸潮性,雨季的时候,或南方潮湿的地区,应不时 出来 晾晒一下。

  • Time to Play Outdoors ! They used to take the air in the evening .

    他们过去常在傍晚时去 户外 散步

  • The sun was hanging high in the sky and there was just the right amount of wind . It was a perfect day to take a hot air ballon ride .

    太阳高挂在天空,风的大小也刚刚好,实在是个 气球的好日子。

  • About 1 personnel will remain behind to take care of the air base .

    大约会有1人留守 看管这个 空军基地。

  • A nurse has to take care not to inject air into the bloodstream of her patients .

    护士 必须 小心,避免将 空气注入病人的血流中。

  • For some reason however the diver refused to take an alternate air source and appeared confused .

    然而,由于某种原因,潜水员 拒绝 采用替代 氧气,看起来他有些迷惑了。

  • How it was able to take down air force one with one of our own missiles .

    并且怎么可能用我们自己的导弹 空军一号击落。

  • The jumps were necessary for him to take air .

    它必须跳出水面 呼吸 空气

  • If you receive a high lob from your opponent when you are on the baseline try to take it in the air before it bounces .

    ▼当你在底线时,如果你接来自你的对手的高吊球,试 它弹跳之前 空中击球。

  • To take into the air my quiet breath ;

    我的一息散入 茫;