to the exclusion of

[tu ði ɪkˈskluʒən ʌv][tu: ðə ɪkˈsklu:ʒən ɔv]


  • In the adjustment of general average the following lettered and numbered Rules shall apply to the exclusion of any law and Practice inconsistent therewith .

    共同海损理算,适用下列字母规则和数字规则,凡 这些规则相抵触的法律和惯例都 适用

  • Trial courts enjoy wide latitude with respect to the exclusion of expert testimony for lack of foundation .

    在因缺乏基本原则而 拒绝 采信专家证词方面,审判法庭享有广泛自由。

  • Indignation and despair had claimed her to the exclusion of all other thoughts .

    她又生气,又没 办法,什么事情也 上想了。

  • Domination ( of a market or commodity ) to the exclusion of others .

    排除他人 支配(市场或日用品)。

  • While certainly not to the exclusion of domestic sources SWFs have already provided and it is hoped will continue to provide capital to financial institutions .

    尽管这当然并不是 排斥国内渠道,但目前已向金融机构提供资金、并希望能够继续投资的,却正是主权财富基金。

  • But perhaps not to the exclusion of other paradigms .

    也许它 其它的编程模式 共存冲突

  • If the psychological research is right though the strategy would still be to pursue success but not crucially to the exclusion of happiness .

    如果心理研究是正确的,尽管这些策略仍然是追求成功,但很关键 是不会 省略幸福。

  • He is obsessed with work to the exclusion of everything else .

    他一心想着工作 上其他

  • Preoccupation with yourself to the exclusion of everything else .

    自己 过份热衷而其他事都 不管了。

  • Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else .

    黛安娜一生都在照顾他, 其他一切都 无暇顾及。

  • He also disagrees with the notion that English 's growth as a second tongue means it will become the world language to the exclusion of all others .

    他也不赞同这样的 说法:英语作为第二语言的发展意味着它将成为世界的唯一语言。

  • The Pistons certainly will attack Rondo and Perkins but not to the exclusion of every other offensive option .

    活塞对当然首先攻击隆多和帕金斯 位置,但是也不 排除其它选择。

  • He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports .

    他专打高尔夫球,其他运动 一概 参加。

  • If you focus on the goals that are most important to you to the exclusion of everything else you will achieve them .

    如果你把注意力集中到对你最重要的目标上, 排除其他的一切事情,你就会实现目标。

  • The report said this had led to the exclusion of international firms from government contracts for products such as smart cards firewalls and secure databases and discrimination of foreign companies continued to spread on the same grounds to other sectors .

    报告称,这种做法 导致国际公司 排除在政府的信息安全产品(如智能卡、防火墙和安全数据库)合同之外。基于相同的理由,对外资企业的歧视还在向其它领域蔓延。

  • Never concentrate all your attention on one or two problems to the exclusion of others .

    切勿把注意力只集中在一两个问题上 不顾其它问题。

  • The ability to concentrate on a problem to the exclusion of all other matters .

    所有其他的事情 不顾而专注于某一问题。

  • First and foremost working on interaction to the exclusion of information design or the converse is a bad idea .

    首先,只关注交互性 不顾信息性设计,或者反过来,都是不足取的。

  • I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you Not to the exclusion of love sensitivity and cooperation with others But with the strength of conviction .

    你千万别 理会,我坚信,只要选择一条你感兴趣的路, 排除爱情,敏锐以及与别人的合作,而且坚定的认为通过你自身的 努力 就能感动他人。

  • Having utility often to the exclusion of values .

    有效用 ,通常 排除价值 之外的作用。

  • Of relating to or concerned with only a single public especially controversial issue to the exclusion of all other factors concerns facts and issues .

    与一个公众尤其是有争议的问题相关的, 其它所有因素、关心、事实和问题 排除 的, 这个单一问题有关的,或只关心 这个问题的。

  • Not to the exclusion of love sensitivity and cooperation with others


  • He spent his spare time gardening to the exclusion of all other interests .

    他把空 时间都用在园艺上了, 没有任何其他爱好。

  • In a pluralistic society no single religion can be established to the exclusion of others .

    在多宗教社会中,没有哪个宗教能将其它宗教 排除

  • Eg : Don 't revise a few topics to the exclusion of all others .

    不要修改少数论题 以致 排除所有其他

  • He would monopolize her totally to the exclusion of her brothers and sisters .

    他会完全占据她的时间, 一点儿 留给她的兄弟姐妹们。

  • Scholars of women 's history should refrain from focusing on the influence of political rhetoric on women 's perceptions to the exclusion of other equally important factors .

    研究女性历史的学者应该尽量避免因过分关注政治修辞法对于女性的看法, 忽略其他同等重要的因素对于女性的影响。

  • The ability of one parent variety or strain to transmit individual traits to an offspring apparently to the exclusion of the other parent variety or strain .

    优先遗传父母一方的某些品种或品系具有 将自身特点传给后代的能力,并明显 排斥了父母另一方,另一种品种或品系的作用。

  • I think you can never overstate one to the exclusion of the other .

    我想永远都不能过度强调其中一个, 偏废另一个。