to yearn for...


  • The fourth part introduces three methods surveying the market to yearn for the level ;

    第四部分介绍了测算市场 向往水平的三种方法;

  • To those audiences who yearn for love the way Cai Zhisong interprets his own work makes the process of enjoying Rose turns into a process of enjoying pain .

    那些 向往爱情的观者而言,蔡志松自己对作品的解读,使欣赏《玫瑰》的过程变成一个欣赏痛苦的过程。

  • Drug craving refers to drug abusers ' un-inhibitory yearn for the spiritualized material effect which they used to experience .

    药物 渴求是药物滥用者 过去体验过的精神活性物质效应的一种难以克制的渴望。

  • Some authors have a complex attitude to fathers in big families because of the contradiction to criticize and yearn for the household culture .

    现代作家 家族文化批判与 眷恋的矛盾,使对 封建大家庭内的父亲呈现出复杂的情感态度。

  • It is the nature of human beings to yearn for freedom and is reflected in the aesthetic process . Although beauty is not the intrinsic quality of freedom it accords with the form of freedom .

    人类天性 自由的 向往在审美过程中得以体现,美虽然不是自由的本质,但美是符合自由的形式。

  • I have a dream is becomes to the national useful commercial great talent but the Hong Kong Baptist university the perfect person educates the school idea with teaching way which international connects rails deeply deeply causes me to yearn for .

    我有一个梦想,就是成为一个对国家有用的商业巨才,而香港浸会大学“全人教育”办学理念,与国际接轨的教学方式,深深使我 向往

  • It threads up the daily life manifests masses'pursue to yearn for refraction ordinary populace 's energetic demand .

    其紧扣日常生活,体现人民大众的追求 向往,折射普通大众的精神需求。

  • The article shows solicitude from colleges and universities life educating life dignity life mental consciousness spirit covering to yearn for composing in reply four the field problem such as quality education emphasizing that open-minded life shows solicitude further .

    文章从探寻高校生命关怀教育涵盖的生命尊严、生命意识、精神 向往和素质教育等四个领域的问题,进一步强调开展生命关怀教育的重要作用和实践意义。

  • Considering modern tourism as a resistance to the development of modernity modern men yearn for the discovery of truth in history and in other cultures which initiates the arrival of the era of mass tourism .

    现代旅游是一种 现代性发展的抵抗,现代人 渴望逝去的岁月和异文化中寻找“真实”,引发了大众旅游时代的到来。

  • We should do is to treat life and yearn for success but not the slightest fear of failure .

    我们所应做的就是 善待人生, 向往 追求成功,但丝毫也不惧怕失败。

  • As a result of this the80s ' living condition are drastically improved compared to the older generation . They lead a convenient life thanks to material abundance . They yearn for freedom pursue fashion and cherish individuality . They are imprinted with this epoch .

    在这样的大环境下,80后的生活环境与老一辈相比有了明显的改善,他们 享受 物质文明带来的便利, 渴望自由、追求时尚、个性十足,有明显的时代烙印。

  • And then there are the practical reasons to yearn for the print version of the news .

    而且, 渴望纸质新闻还有实用的 理由

  • O youth : do you know that yours is not the first generation to yearn for a life full of beauty and freedom ?

    哦,青年:你们可知道,你们这一代并不是 渴望 无比美好自由的生活的第一代?

  • The whole country seems to yearn for its lost empire .

    整个国家 似乎 怀念其失去的帝国疆土。

  • She always says everything is meaningless to her and there is nothing in the world to yearn for . what 's more she even wants to commit suicide .

    她总是说任何事情对她来说都毫无意义,在这个世界上没有什么值得她 留恋了。她甚至想自杀。

  • But they leave the family and later was so eager to love yearn for a shoulder to lean on .

    可是她们在离开家庭以后又是那样地 渴望爱情, 渴望一个可以依靠的肩膀。

  • Although not to but yearn for .

    虽不能 ,但 心向往之

  • That would be cruel to Ashley but would make him yearn for her all the more .

    这会使得 礼见了要十分难受, 越发 不得自己。

  • Plato writes books by his oral recounted with teacher of socrates when the mind removes the human body to yearn for truth time by thought was best now .

    柏拉图著书以他的老师苏格拉底之口表述说,当心灵摒绝肉体?而 向往 真理的时候,这时的思想才是最好的。

  • Also Li Huang has utilized in the poetry with the Tao Yuanming related literary reference thus expressed the advocation Confucianism to yearn for the Tao Yuanming hidden leisurely life the viewpoint .

    又李混诗中运用了虎溪三笑等与陶渊明相关的典故,表达了崇尚儒教、 向往陶渊明隐逸生活的观点。

  • Blurs US to let the human yearn for mystically actually may not touch the fuzzy thinking mode namely is not the logical thinking is also different with the thinking in images .

    模糊美让人神秘 向往却又不可触摸,模糊思维方式即不是逻辑思维,也不同于形象思维。

  • Pilgrims trek long distances to present a pious worship climbing enthusiasts run great risks to challenge its high altitude and the common tourists also yearn for a reverent look at this holy peak .

    朝圣者的长途跋涉可以体现出他们的虔诚之心;登山爱好者冒着很大的风险 挑战这里的 高海拔;普通的游客同样也怀着虔诚的心来一睹这座神圣的山峰。

  • It as one kind of special spiritual power condenses the universe to yearn for advancement .

    它作为一种特殊的精神动力凝聚着全人类 向往前进的 心声

  • Is it not in the nature of all human beings to yearn for freedom ?


  • The bride had to buy more than just a beautiful but also a place to buy and look forward to and yearn for blessed with happiness .

    新娘们要购买的不仅仅是一份美丽,更要购买一种寄托、 期待向往、祝福与快乐。

  • You may want fame but yearn to feel valued you may want revenge but yearn for peace .

    你也许想要名望,但是,你的渴求是感到被尊重;你也许想要报仇,但是,你的 渴求 和平。

  • We are reluctant to part with the metropolis is lively the media said must yearn for the countryside ;

    我们留恋都市繁华的时候,传媒说要 向往田园;