to the west of

[tu ði wɛst ʌv][tu: ðə west ɔv]


  • The large lake is to the west of the small one .

    那大湖是 小湖 往西

  • I will travel to the west of country this summer .

    这个夏天我要 国家 西部旅游。

  • Mr Albanese explaining this year where Rio had gone wrong in the Alcan deal said the shift in Chinese production to the west of the country had the effect of putting more new capacity on to the market than we would have anticipated .

    阿尔巴内斯今年曾谈到力拓在加拿大铝业并购案中的失误之处,他表示,中国铝产业 西部的转移“实际给市场增加的新产能超出了我们预期”。

  • The tsunami that it caused killed people in Hawaii Japan and the Philippines and caused damage to the west coast of the United States .

    地震造成的海啸波及夏威夷、日本和菲律宾,造成了人员伤亡,另外,美国 西海岸也遭受破坏。

  • Korea lies ( to the ) west of Japan .

    韩国 日本 以西

  • The Indus civilization was predated by the first farming cultures in South asia which emerged in the hills of what is now called balochistan to the west of the Indus valley .

    印度河流域文明居先于南印度的首个农业文明,在现在称为卑路支的山丘上浮现, 直到印度河流域 西端

  • It certainly appears that the hump just north of Colombia what some consider the North Andes Plate would push over that portion of the Caribbean Plate just to the west of this hump .

    当然看起来正好是哥伦比亚北面的隆起处,也就是一些人认为的北安第斯板块,将会从加勒比板块的一部分上面推动而过,刚好 到达该隆起处 西面

  • The wood was so thick to the West of them that they could not see the newcomer yet .

    他们 西边的树林很稠密,所以他们还看不见新来的人物。

  • Heathrow an important international airport to the west of London the largest airport in Britain .

    国际机场希思罗位于伦敦 西部,它是英国最大的机场。

  • The fractions and distribution of bioavailable phosphorus in river sediments were studied in order to identify the trophic level of inflow rivers to the west of Taihu Lake .

    为了解太湖入湖河道的营养状况,研究了太湖 西部河流沉积物生物利用磷的组成与分布。

  • It 's a separate country and it 's to the west of england .

    它是一个单独的国家, 英格兰 西边

  • Zhuge Liang ( 181-234 AD ) was born in what is now Shandong Province and later settled in Longzhong to the west of Xiangyang Hubei Province .

    诸葛亮(公元181~234年),字孔明,山东人。后来定居在湖北襄阳 城西 隆中。

  • Find the crumbling building to the west of the main asylum gate .

    找到那个位于阿克汉姆主门 西侧的破败建筑。

  • Pisa is to the west of florence .

    比萨 佛罗伦萨 西边

  • The factory lies to the west of town .

    工厂位于小镇 西边

  • Joshua had taken about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai to the west of the city .

    他挑了约有五千人,使他们埋伏在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是 艾城 西边

  • Libya lies to the west of Egypt .

    利比亚位于埃及 以西

  • About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood .

    他在镇子 以西约一英里处偶遇一大片林地。

  • The village is ( to the ) west of the hill .

    这个村庄 那座小山 西边

  • To the west of the church lies open farmland backed by a small forest called West Wood .

    教堂 西边是开阔的农田,远处是一片叫做西部森林的林子。

  • In its wake or to the west of the enhanced rainfall area winds aloft are easterly .

    高空风的这一改变取决 增强相位地区的活跃风暴 散情况。

  • The chief source of sand is mount Mingsha more than1000m to the west of the grottoes .

    而沙的主要来源,是位于石窟 西侧1000多米的鸣沙山。

  • In the New World it meant that we were free to turn our backs on Europe and to devote our energies to opening up the continent to the west of us .

    在新世界里,这就意味着,我们可以径自背弃欧洲,把我们的精力用来开辟我们 西面的大陆。

  • Then I changed trains two or three times . At about eight o'clock in the evening I arrived at the small station at Artinswell to the west of London .

    后来我倒了三四次车。大约晚上八点钟,我赶到阿廷斯维尔的一个小站, 这个地方位于伦敦的 西边

  • Peter the Great in1694 began to make the West of Russia those who launched the Meiji revolution in Japan in1868 to create the same process .

    彼得大帝于1694年 开始使俄国 西方化,明治革命的发动者于1868年在日本也开创了同样的进程。

  • The hottest antique trail in England is the Cotswolds a country area to the west of London .

    英国寻觅古玩最热门的地方是伦敦 以西的科茨沃尔德乡村地区。

  • So Joshua sent them out and they went to the place of ambush between Bethel and Ai to the west of the city while Joshua slept that night in the midst of his people .

    若苏厄就打发他们去了。他们便开到埋伏的地方,停在贝特耳和哈依之间,在哈依 西面。那一夜若苏厄便在百姓中间过了夜。

  • This is a good opportunity for the Changjiang shipping from the east to the west of China .

    西部 开发,交通先行,这为横贯东西的长江航运带来了千载难逢的发展机遇。

  • The little town lies about two hundred miles to the west of Xi'an .

    那座小城镇位于西安 以西约两百英里远 地方。