to the tick

[tu ði tɪk][tu: ðə tik]


  • To remove a tick use thin-tipped tweezers or forceps to grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible .

    为了去除蜱虫,应当使用尖头的镊子或者钳子, 尽可能贴近皮肤表面 时候将 虫夹住。

  • Take a minute to get to know Kyrgyzstan and find out what makes the Kyrgyz people tick .

    花一点时间 了解吉尔吉斯 这个国家,看看 激发 吉尔吉斯人的 动力究竟为何。

  • Then he sat down and had a pipe and listened to the clock tick .

    然后他坐下来,有一个管道,并 听取了时钟 滴答

  • Listen to the dialogue and tick the activities that the people are doing .

    对话, 你听到的人物所进行的活动

  • Occasionally users are surprised to find that the Tick event will fire much faster than they are expecting .

    偶尔用户会惊奇的发现 Tick事件会比期望当中的更快地被触发。

  • After bloodsucking the content of DCP is increased distinctly at 3rd to 5th day it reaches the highest ( 4.35 ng / tick in Dermacentor sinicus ) .

    雌虫 吸血后性信息素量明显增加,第3 5天达到高峰,交配后下降。

  • Objective To screen an appropriate virus seed for the preparation of Vero cell-derived tick - borne encephalitis vaccine .

    目的选育Vero细胞 森林脑炎疫苗适应毒种。

  • Because the subshell has so many uses you might prefer to use it always instead of a combination or the back tick operators .

    因为子Shell有许多用途,所以与组合或者 操作符相比,您可能更喜欢使用它。

  • She always comes to the tick .

    她总是来得一 分钟也不

  • Toure Yaya came into the game to close down space and with Arsenal unable to create chances and Barcelona content to let the clock tick down it made for a dull spectacle .

    亚亚图雷替补出场,而阿森纳不能创造出机会,巴塞罗那却 愿意时间快点结束,虽然场面有点无聊。

  • Objective To study the anti tick borne encephalitis virus effect of cimetidine and dipyridamole .

    目的探讨 西咪替丁与双嘧达莫 感染 森林脑炎病毒的小鼠的死亡保护作用。

  • Political analysts say bad economic news is to blame especially the recent tick up in the jobless rate to9.1 percent .

    分析人士说,这些都是因为经济 疲软的消息,特别是美国失业率在上个月突破了。

  • Vista for home computers was slated to go on sale in the United States at midnight and worldwide at the first tick of clocks on Tuesday in time zones around the planet .

    维斯卡视窗操作系统本星期二首先在美国午夜时分开始销售。然后,按照全世界时区划分在每一个国家的零时开始在 当地销售,依次展开。

  • He sat listening to the tick of the grandfather clock .

    他坐在那儿, 听着落地式大摆钟 嘀嗒 作响

  • Maximizing expected utility from terminal wealth under case of different rates between borrowing and saving ; The numbers you specified can 't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks .

    不同存贷利率下极大化终止时刻期望效用指定的数字无效,因为次要刻度间距需小于 等于主要 刻度间距。

  • To return to the previous bookmark press the back tick ( ` ) followed by the bookmark reference alphabetic character .

    要返回 上一书签,按Escape键,再按反 撇号(`),然后输入书签引用字符。

  • The label parameter is similar to the tick parameters .

    标签参数类似 刻度 标记

  • They strive to retain access to the resources that make company tick .

    他们设法获取公司 赖以 运转 资源。

  • The numbers you specified can 't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks .

    指定的数字无效,因为次要刻度间距需小于 等于主要 刻度间距。

  • My corporation is urging me to return . I 've booked the tick et for to morrow afternoon 's flight at3:00 .

    我的公司 回去,我已经买了明天下午三点钟的飞机票。

  • Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and gently but firmly pull it straight out .

    用尖头镊子 尽量紧贴皮肤抓住 然后轻柔并果断地将其剔除。

  • The reader has to indicate the correct answer with a tick .

    读者 必须 标示正确的答案。

  • In order to elucidate the natural foci of North - Asia tick - borne spotted fever along the bank of Heilongjiang river we used PCR / RFLP to detect spotted fever group rickettsiae in ticks and rodents .

    了解 黑龙江沿岸部分地区斑点热自然疫源地存在情况,作者用PCR/RFLP的方法检测该地区蜱类及鼠类中的斑点热群( spottedfevergroup,SFG)立克次体。

  • To display or hide vertical lines between unit labels select or clear the tick lines check box .

    显示或隐藏单位标签之间的竖线,请选中或清除 刻度线”复选框。

  • He rejected careers in both academia and consulting in order to focus exclusively on the question of what makes great companies tick .

    他告别了学术生涯, 辞掉了原先 咨询公司,专心研究大型企业成功之道。

  • What he means is the ability of humans to discern and understand the universe is a fundamental part of what makes the universe tick .

    他的意思是,人类 分辨和理解宇宙的能力正是令到宇宙 运作的基本部份。

  • Objective To study the bioactive components in ticks which inhibit platelet aggregation and to understand the molecular mechanism of tick host interaction .

    目的研究 类抗血小板集聚的生物活性成分,了解 与其宿主相互作用 分子机制。

  • A new clock placed on the shelf was ticking two ticks to the second as any good clock should tick .

    架子上摆了一个新时钟, 每秒比其他正常时钟多 嘀嗒一次。