As already stressed it is also crucial to avoid thinking you will be able to make big gains quickly .
正如已经强调的,也是至关重要的,以避免思想你将 能够 取得 较大的进步很快。
My dream is to make big bucks .
我的梦想就是 赚 大钱。
They began to make big money during the war .
他们在战争期间开始 赚 大钱。
How can you let such a golden opportunity to make big money slip through your fingers ? It was an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon .
这样一个 发 大财的机会千载难逢,你怎么能眼睁睁地让它溜掉呢。
You have to travel abroad to make big money .
想要 赚 大钱就得跑国外。
First the US is having to make big reductions to its defence budget .
首先,美国目前 不得不 大幅削减国防预算。
At the same time they are also willing to make big money .
同时他们也 愿意 挣 大钱。
Instead his bank has stuck to its strengths unashamedly taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits .
实际上,高盛保留了实力,坦然地利用低利率和危机过后的竞争减少, 获得了 巨额的交易利润。
Despite some signs of cooling in China 's revved-up real estate market big businesses are still willing to make big bets on the price of land .
尽管中国火爆的房地产市场出现了一些降温的迹象,但大型企业仍 愿意 在地价上 投入 重注。
They looked coolly around and found opportunities while others were too terrified to make big moves .
他们非常冷静的审时度势,在其他公司因为恐惧 不敢 有 大动作的时候,发现了机会。
Those who can master the complex process of reverse logistics stand to make big savings in efficiency as well as keep their customers happy .
那些精通逆向物流复杂过程的商家,必定 会 在 让顾客高兴的同时,在效率上节省 大笔开支。
Do Them Daily - When you are trying to make big things happen you have to work on them every day .
每天都有行动当你努力 去 实现一些 大事的时候,你必须每天都为此行动。
When the reaches four the deck is hot and its safe to make big bets .
当在达到四,甲板是热,其安全, 使 大投注。
If wage increases do indeed accelerate companies will have to make big productivity gains if they are not to lose competitiveness .
如果工资真的加速上涨,企业将 不得不 大幅 提高生产率,才能保持竞争力。
Small banks see the plan as a way to make big financial companies more competitive .
小银行认为,这一计划 将 使 大金融公司更具竞争力。
Burma is in a good position to make big gains in Asia 's fast-growing markets .
缅甸在 获取亚洲这个快速增长市场的 巨大收益方面 占据了有利位置。
The support and help of others can only take you so far you 're going to have to do your own thing to make big changes in your life situation .
别人的支持和帮助仅仅能让你达到这种程度,你需要自己亲历而 为,为你的生活格局 创造 巨大变化。
This is the only chance for you to make big change .
这是我第一次 投稿, 所以不知道修改后还有被拒的可能 吗?
The more comfortable we become with being stupid the deeper we will wade into the unknown and the more likely we are to make big discoveries .
如果我们能更适应的变得愚笨,那么,我们就能更有激情的去探索未知世界,也就更有可能 做出 重大的发现。
If you are tempted to make big portfolio changes get a second opinion .
如果你 想 对投资组合 进行 重大调整,那么去征求一下其他人的看法。
If you have failed in the past to try to make big chances in life try again now one tiny step at a time .
如果你在过去 使你的生活发生 巨大变化的尝试失败了,现在再试,一次一小步。
Scientists must realise that they will not become popular by telling people to make big expensive changes in their lifestyles to save the world from climate catastrophe .
科学家必须认识到,要求人们 付出 巨大代价,明显改变生活方式,以拯救世界于气候灾难之中,是不会让自己受到欢迎的。
Some business owners also believes that the game room to make big money put less money fast blind investment to open .
一些经营业主认为开游戏厅 能 赚 大钱,投入少,来钱快,盲目投资开设。
Either way those who are the new city dwellers are bolder and want to make big changes .
社会转变中一 个 重要的因素就是年轻一代文化的 形成。
And as Jack Nerad of Kelly Blue Book points out hybrid technology continues to make big strides .
就如《凯利蓝皮书》的JackNerad指出,混合技术 继续 取得 巨大进步。
Few hedge funds have so far plotted ways to make big bets against the Chinese economy .
迄今为止,几乎没有几家对冲基金 找到了 巨额 押注于中国经济放缓的办法。
This will give you the much needed confidence and motivation to make big bucks from real estate investments .
这会给你急需的信心和动力, 把 大赚其房地产投资。
Sebastian Thrun former head of the Google X the advanced projects lab set up to make big bets on the future knows all about technological ambition .
谷歌(Google)成立先进项目实验室GoogleX是 为了对未来 进行 重大的投注。该实验室前负责人塞巴斯蒂安•特伦(SebastianThrun)深谙什么才是科技雄心。
The Palestinian Authority of Mahmoud Abbas would have to make big concessions in any serious peace negotiation . It has been given a free pass .
马哈茂德阿巴斯(MahmoudAbbas)的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(PalestinianAuthority)本来 不得不在任何认真的和平谈判中 作出 重大让步,可它被授予了免费通行证。
美[tu mek bɪɡ]英[tu: meik biɡ]