



  • The car was a worthless wreck after the collision . The book has no artistic merit and its sole aim is to titillate ( the reader ) .

    撞车以后,那辆车成了毫无价值的 那书毫无艺术价值, 只是 撩拨(读者) 情欲

  • So many adverts nowadays are designed to titillate .

    如今这么多的广告都为了 激起 欲望 设计的。

  • In reviewing a novel you should try to titillate rather than satiate the reader 's interest .

    评论一本小说时,你应设法 刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。

  • The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences .

    图片本意不是为了 挑逗观众。

  • Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the schoolboys .

    科学故事 使小学生们的 想像力 活跃 起来

  • food to titillate the most jaded of palates .

    能够 触动最迟钝的味觉的食物

  • The book has no artistic merit its sole aim is to titillate .

    自负 自我 感觉有艺术价值的那书毫无艺术价值, 只是 撩拨 情欲

  • Chilli sauce can titillate our palates .

    辣椒酱 挑逗味觉。