


  • Her mouth was working as if she was masticating some tasty titbit

    她的嘴在动,好像在嚼什么 好吃

  • The letter was grasped by the national review as a succulent titbit for its readers .

    这封信被《国民评论 抢到 手里成了供读者 消遣的一 趣闻

  • The answer is Brazzaville a titbit Mr Scaroni picked up five years earlier in a biography of Charles de Gaulle .

    答案是刚果首都布拉扎维(brazzaville),5年前, 斯卡罗尼在戴高乐(charlesdegaulle)的传记中发现了这件趣闻。

  • Who passed that titbit on to you ?

    是谁告诉你 花边 新闻的?

  • Emma reads tabloids everyday in order to get some juicy titbit .

    为了获取一些 花边 新闻,艾玛每天读小报。

  • Combined with the records about the edible and medicinal uses of pine pollens in historical books it is concluded that the pollens of Japanese black pine and Japanese red pine are safety titbit without any side effects .

    结合我国历代松花粉的食用和药用记载,综合评价 种松花粉为安全 可靠、未有任何毒副作用的食用 珍品

  • Tonight with the10th generation owner and the chateau 's soul leaders let 's savor the fashionable traditional and luxurious bubbling titbit !

    黑桃 A,今晚,第十代 家族传人和酒庄的灵魂人物, 金色气泡中,品味它的奢华和个性,传统与时尚!

  • She always keeps some titbit to give to her cat .

    她总留点儿 特别 好吃 东西喂猫。

  • Symphony music is the highest level and form of the western music as well as the unique titbit of cultural legacy in world music .

    交响音乐是西方音乐的最高形式,也是世界音乐文化遗产中的 珍品