titanous chloride

[taɪˈtænəs ˈklɔrˌaɪd][taiˈtænəs ˈklɔ:raid]


  • Using of acid to solubilize samples using of stannous chloride to reduce most of ferric iron in the acid medium using of titanous chloride to reduce residual ferric iron total ferro quantity can be determined by potassium dichromate titration .

    采用酸分解试样,在酸性介质中,以二氯化锡还原大部分三价铁, 三氯化钛还原剩余三价铁,用重铬酸钾滴定测全铁量。

  • Quick Determining Total Ferro in Iron Ore by Titanous Chloride Potassium Dichromate Capacity Method Determination of the Quantities of Fe by Using FIA

    三氯化钛 &重铬酸钾容量法快速测定铁矿石中全铁量流动注射法测定全铁含量的新实验

  • Titration of tin with iodate in the presence of titanous chloride
