


  • Never mind the tortuous explanation ; tell me in plain English are you coming or not ?


  • SJM 's road to market has been a long and tortuous one dogged by bad luck and controversy .

    澳博的上市之路漫长而 曲折,厄运和争议始终紧紧相随。

  • The parties must now go through the tortuous process of picking their candidates .

    各政党现在必须进行挑选各自候选人这一 迂回 复杂的程序。

  • Sino-Soviet debate directly affected Chinese socialist construction and made it tortuous .

    摘要中苏论战对中国社会主义建设 道路 曲折 发展有著直接的因果关系。

  • It has followed a tortuous path .

    我们 发展,走过了 曲折道路。

  • The only road access is a tortuous mountain route .

    唯一的陆路通道是一条 蜿蜒的山道。

  • We still have a long and tortuous road to travel .

    我们还要走一条漫长而 曲折的过路。

  • The Chinese revolution has followed a long and tortuous course .

    中国革命走过了漫长而 曲折的道路。

  • Life is but a hard and tortuous journey .

    人生即是一段 艰难曲折的旅程 ./人生 坦途

  • Dialectical contradictions concept is the core content of dialectical materialism and dialectical contradiction to the concept of china 's socialist period interpretation and application will undergo a tortuous process of development .

    摘要辩证矛盾观是唯物辩证法的核心内容,而我国社会主义时期对辩证矛盾观的解读和运用则经历了一个 曲折的发展过程。

  • During that time China has followed a tortuous road with alternating periods of smooth development and setbacks .

    中间,中国走的道路很 曲折,有顺利发展的时期,也有遭受挫折的时期。

  • Development of the modern Chinese dance has followed a long and tortuous road .

    现代舞在中国有着 宽泛 定义 曲折的发展 过程

  • China information industry has followed a long and tortuous course in its development process .

    中国信息产业的发展,走过一个漫长而 曲折的历程。

  • The road is tortuous the future is bright !

    软件 测试 生活随笔道路是 曲折的,前途是光明的!

  • But even securing that agreement has been a tortuous process .

    但签下这项协议本身就曾是个 曲折过程。

  • We have travelled a tortuous road .

    我们走过了 曲折的道路。

  • Three years later after tortuous negotiations and fierce political and popular opposition Carlyle abandoned the bid .

    三年后,在经历了 艰苦谈判、来自政界和公众的激烈反对之后,凯雷放弃了此次收购。

  • This divergence resulted in a tortuous experience in the process of the formal constitution of the Recovery Army .

    这种理念分歧导致光复军正式 编组经历了 曲折的过程。

  • The directive policy of economic construction in this ten years is so tortuous due to subjective and objective factors .

    这十年经济建设指导方针之所以有如此的 曲折,是由主客观两方面因素造成的。

  • The insurrection had made of the centre of Paris a sort of inextricable tortuous colossal citadel .

    那次的起义把巴黎的中心地带变成了一种 曲折 错乱、叫人摸不清 道路的巨大寨子。

  • But the negotiations proved long and tortuous .

    但谈判还是 转弯抹角 了很久。

  • The Lot river follows a winding and tortuous course .

    洛特河的河道蜿蜒 曲折

  • For many adopted children finding their natural mother can be a particularly tortuous process .

    对许多被收养的孩子来说,找到他们的亲生母亲会是一个特别 曲折 复杂的过程。

  • They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail .

    他们沿着 崎岖的山路攀登。

  • On one 's life 's journey there 's path one has to take & the tortuous path of Youth .

    在每个人的人生旅途中都有一条必然要走的 弯路,那就是青春的 弯路

  • Maze is the rotating and fixed by the seal of the gaps between the composition is tortuous .

    迷宫是指由旋转的和固定的密封件之间构成的 隙缝 曲折的。

  • History follows a tortuous course .

    历史的进程是 曲折的。

  • There are three main reasons that can account for the tortuous experience of his thoughts in practice .

    这些思想的实施所经历的 曲折,有三个主要原因。

  • Like every other activity in the world revolution always follows a tortuous road and never a straight one .

    革命的道路,同世界上一切事物活动的道路一样,总是 曲折的,不是笔直的。