total current

[ˈtotl ˈkɚrənt][ˈtəutəl ˈkʌrənt]


  • The International Monetary Fund estimates total current account surpluses in 2010 at just over 2 per cent of world gross national product less than often supposed .

    国际货币基金组织(IMF)估计,2010年 经常账户盈余 总额仅略高于全球国民生产总值(GNP)的2%,比一般想象的水平要低。

  • The temperature coefficient of circuit designed with standard 0.18 - μ m CMOS technology is 83 × 10 ~ ( - 6 ) K ~ ( - 1 ) . The operation voltage of the circuit is 1 V and the total current is only 4 μ A.

    该电路用标准的0.18μMCMOS工艺设计,工作电压1V, 电流4μA,电路的温度系数为83×10-6K-1。

  • In the accelerating field every unit adjusts its current by electric field strength the total current remaining constant .

    在加速场区,各单元按场强调整电流值,但 电流 总量不变。

  • A special shape of collector is designed in order to reduce contact resistance and non-uniformity of the current ; as a result the total current density in the device is increased .

    为了减小器件的接触电阻和电流的非均匀性,使用了独特形状的集电极, 电流密度也因此提高。

  • Measuring leakage current of MOA at DC and total current at AC as well as resistive current component using capacitive current compensation thrice-frequency harmonic or base wave method were introduced .

    介绍了直流电压下的泄漏电流测量和工频电压下的 电流测量及阻性电流测量方法中的容性电流补偿法、三次谐波法以及基波法。

  • The ion source can deliver an ion beam with energy range of 5 ~ 200 eV and total current of 1 ~ 6 μ A.

    在该系统中,低能离子束能量可调范围为5~ 200eV,束 为1~6μA;

  • Total current spectroscopy study on clean si ( 111 ) 7 × 7 surface

    Si(111)7×7清洁表面的 电流

  • A factor α is defined as the ratio of the current density of the electro-polishing bulk Si over the total current density of the electrochemical etching .

    把电抛光体硅的电流密度Je与 的腐蚀 电流密度J的比值定义为抛光因子α。

  • During the phase conversion if the rise velocity of one phase current is not equal to the fall velocity of another one the fuzzy current hysteretic controller will run to keep the total current amplitude unchanged in the circuit which can restrain the torque ripples .

    电流换相时,当换相电流的上升速率与下降速率不相等,模糊电流滞环控制器起作用保持回路 电流不变,从而抑制因电流换相而引起的转矩波动。

  • A country that manipulates its real exchange rate influences the international composition of its imports and exports but not its total current account balance .

    一个操纵实际汇率的国家影响的是其进出口的国际构成情况、而非 总体 经常账户收支情况。

  • Mathematical derivation of the total current law


  • The module can detect the total current and voltage of the battery pack the total voltage of the motor terminals and vehicle insulation resistance in real time . And achieve real-time power calculation of the battery pack .

    该模块可以实时检测动力电池组的 电流、总电压、电机端总电压、整车绝缘电阻,并实现电池组实时功率计算。

  • The total current demands and the demands of the whole region in the year of 2000 have been estimated .

    估算了全区 目前 需求和2000年需求水量。

  • The total current in hydrogen atom and its classical correspondence

    氢原子的 电流及其经典对应

  • Relevant data shows that the average enterprise reserve funds for the occupation of the total current assets of nearly 40 % .

    有关资料表明,企业的储备资金平均占用约为 流动资产 总额的40%。

  • 3 without the concept point to an a few only total current shares before changing .

    三无概念股指股改前的几只 流通股票。

  • A total current mode is built based on the transportation of the photogenerated carriers and the transient electromagnetism process .

    建立了基于载流子输运过程与瞬态电磁过程的 电流模型。

  • The amplitude and phase of harmonics from non sinusoidal voltage and current caused by 12 pulse current converter are analyzed the content of harmonic currents and the total current distortion rate are calculated respectively .

    对于12脉动变流设备产生的非正弦电压和电流,用开关函数法分析了其各次谐波的幅值和相位,并分别计算了谐波电流含有量和电流 谐波畸变率。

  • A current generation principle with negative temperature coefficients is analyzed in details . Based on current mode a brief voltage reference circuit without Operational Amplifier is presented . The maximum output bandgap voltage is about 1.1V and the total current is within 7 μ A.

    文章重点分析了一种负温度系数电流的生成方法,基于电流求和模式,设计了一种简单且无运放的电压基准结构,其输出最大基准值为 1.1V,功耗为7μA。

  • When the disc - harge current is 1.2 mA and discharge voltage is in the range of 4 ~ 7kV 70-80 % of the total current is the current of neutral particles .

    在放电电流为1.2mA、放电电压为4~7kV时,中性粒子占 的70%~80%。

  • A simulation model of five-phase hybrid stepper motor driver system with fixed-chopping frequency and constant total current driving are established its one step response and the procedure of the light and heavy step phenomenon are analyzed .

    建立了五相混合式步进电动机恒频斩波恒 驱动系统包括 电流控制部分在内的单步响应特性的仿真模型,对单步响应特性进行了仿真。

  • The influence of lower hybrid current driven on the bootstrap current are also studied in the paper when the total current is constant .

    本论文工作还研究了在固定 电流的情况下,不同分布的低杂波驱动电流对自举电流的影响。

  • When the load is wire arrays the current loss occurs at the moment of wire arrays stagnation and the maximum amplitude is no more than 5 % of total current in the load .

    当负载为丝阵靶时,电流损失出现在丝阵等离子体最大箍缩时刻,且其值不超过负载 电流的5%。

  • A total current spectrometer has been made by using a modified LEED System and a homemade model WF-1 Work function equipment .

    用经过改进的LEED装置和本校自制的WF-1型功函数测试仪研制成 电流谱仪。

  • Total current Spectra Studies on electronic states of si ( 100 ) surface

    Si(100)表面电子态的 电流谱研究

  • Steady Modeling of 5 Phase Hybrid Step Motor System with Fixed Chopping Frequency and Constant Total Current Driving

    五相混合式步进电动机恒频斩波恒 驱动系统的稳态仿真模型

  • The displacement current and the burnout time increase but the proportion of the displacement current in the total current decreases with the increasing signal amplitude .

    位移电流密度和烧毁时间随信号幅值的增大而增大,而位移电流在 电流所占的比例随信号幅值的增大而减小。

  • When a beam of energetic electrons propagate into the plasma it will produce a return stream to make the total current less than the Alfven critical current if there are perturbations parallel to the beams velocity direction it can feed the two-stream instability .

    当一束带电粒子在等离子体中传播时,将会产生回流,使 电流小于阿尔芬极限电流,但若在沿束流运动方向有扰动时,则会在等离子体中激起静电双流不稳定性。