


v.远远高于,远远超过( tower的现在分词)(在能力、品德、名声等方面)胜过,远远超过(其他人)

  • Green meadows flanked with towering cypresses .

    两侧柏树 高耸的绿色草地。

  • Passengers behold everything from meadows where cattles graze to towering glaciers from the comfort of a seat .

    乘客们坐在舒适的座位上可以看到牛群在冰川上的牧场上 吃草

  • Towering mountains vast plains and murky swamps bring depth to World of Warcraft 's landscape .


  • Whole communities were relocated as entire suburbs disappeared to materialize as office blocks and towering hotels .

    整个社区都搬迁了,整个郊区不见了,取而代之的是写字楼和 摩天 大厦

  • Amidst the current bunch of nonentities he is a towering figure

    在当前这帮无足轻重的人里面,他算是 鹤立鸡群

  • Outside my room there is a beautiful garden where a few towering maples grow upright .

    在我的屋外,有一个精美的园林,园中生长着几 高大的古枫树。

  • I give up counting the cranes towering over building sites here .

    我放弃了细数这里的建筑工地上 耸立 多少起重机的 念头

  • We turned the corner and there was the cathedral towering in front of us .

    我们转过拐角,大教堂 耸立在我们面前。

  • Seen from afar its towering buildings beckon the visitor in .

    从远处看,它 高耸的大楼召唤着拜访者进去。

  • The pontiff led the service from a towering white and gold altar erected in a new baseball stadium .

    在这个新棒球场上立着一个 高大的白色和金色神坛。教皇就在神坛上主持弥撒活动。

  • It stands on a huge rock like a great cliff towering over the city .

    它屹立在一块巨大的岩石上,像高耸入云的悬崖 立于这个城市 之中

  • Over the hill were the yellow towering walls of a great hotel in Central Park West .

    小山那边,就是中央公园西部一家大旅馆 高耸的黄墙。

  • Surrounded by mediocrities he can seem a towering intellectual .

    在周围一群泛泛之辈的衬托之下,他就像一个 鹤立鸡群的智者。

  • He remains a towering figure in modern British politics

    他在现代英国政坛上一直是位 杰出的人物。

  • She charged into the room in a towering rage .


  • These three pagodas which are towering over Dali are the symbolic architecture of it .

    这三座 耸立的宝塔是云南大理的标志性建筑,它们距今已有一千多年的历史了。

  • They built a TV tower on the towering hill .

    他们在 高耸的山顶建起了一座电视塔。

  • They are traitors who have committed towering crimes and deserve more than death .

    他们是罪大恶极, 死有余辜的叛徒。

  • You are a towering mountain peak of the spine engraved : loyal to the people .

    您是一 高耸的山峰,山峰的脊背上刻着:忠于人民。

  • Westminster abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view .

    矗立在远处的西敏寺 构成了一处迷人的景色。

  • I just posted my first English topic in the forum it is a seed grow into towering tree .

    刚才我用英语在论坛发了第一个帖子,它会是颗种子长成 参天大树。

  • I saw her in a towering rage only once .

    我只有一次见过她 大发雷霆

  • Hagrid seized Harry and Hermione and hoisted them off the path behind a towering oak .

    海格一把抓住哈利和赫敏,提着他们离开小路,藏到一棵 高耸的栎树后面。

  • It shows a towering disdain for both men and women .

    它对男人和女人都表现出 过度蔑视。

  • The temple 's most breathtaking feature is a towering pagoda .

    庙宇最让人惊叹的地方是一 巍峨的宝塔。

  • Towering over and sitting between the Rest House and the Mosque is the Dome .

    立于休息室和清真寺之间的是一 圆屋顶的建筑。

  • The burly brute swaggered forward towering over me and shouted


  • Red green tiles and the palaces of the Great Wall and towering old so spread out !

    红墙绿瓦的宫殿和 巍峨的长城又如此展开!

  • It might appear so as towering skyscrapers like the just-opened HSBC towers in the IFC dot the Shanghai skyline .

    随着在国金中心(IFC)刚刚开业的汇丰(HSBC)大楼等 摩天大厦点缀在上海的天际,或许情况看起来的确如此。