total check

[ˈtotl tʃɛk][ˈtəutəl tʃek]


  • The partial correlation coefficients of boll density boll volume and seeds per boll were extremely significant . Their total relative determinative degree for check and mid parent heterosis took up respectively 69.06 % and 71.07 % of all .

    铃容重、铃体积和单铃种子数的偏相关系数为达极显著水平,在竞争优势和中亲优势中,三性状的 合计相对决定度分别占 决定度的 69.06%和71.07%。

  • If you want to show the increase in total work for the task clear the effort driven check box .

    如果想显示任务 工时的增加量,则清除“投入比导向” 复选框。

  • Total quantity check of pollutant discharge was the most difficult elementary work of total quantity control of pollutant discharge .

    排放污染物 总量 核定是排放污染物总量控制中的一项难度很大的基础工作。

  • Conclusion : The reduction of Meilan can replace the determination of the total of bacteria to check the hygiene condition of milk Which is simple quick and inexpensive .

    结论:可以用美兰还原试验代替细菌平板 计数 检测牛奶的卫生状况,既简单快速,又省时省事。

  • The judgement matrix and the total sequencing weight vector of each level ′ s element to the objective level are built and the consistency check of total sequencing of each level is applied .

    对层次结构模型建立了判断矩阵和各层元素对目标层的 排序权重向量,进行了各层总排序的一致性 检验

  • Analysis of An Annual Amount Each Student Occupies in the Total Amounts of Wages in a Year and Check on the Economic Benefits of Colleges and Universities

    分析学生占用工资 考核高等院校经济效益

  • Analytic Hierarchy Process is a commonly used method to determine weight including the following basic steps : establishing hierarchical structure model constructing judgment matrix calculating single ordering weight value and the consistency check calculate the total sequencing weight value and the consistency check .

    层次分析法是一种比较常用的权重确定方法,包括建立层次结构模型、构造比较判断矩阵、计算单排序权重值及一致性检验、计算 排序权重值及一致性 检验等基本步骤。

  • The total number of dimension levels included in this cube exceeds the maximum allowed . Check the product documentation for this limit

    此多维数据集中包括的维度级别 总数超过了最大允许值。 查阅产品文档以了解此极限值

  • Under plastic films the percentage of each size levels aggregates in plow layer soil in the total soil weight is higher than that of in check .

    覆膜处理耕层土壤各级团聚体占 土重的百分数均高于 对照处理。

  • Main Issues and Solution about Total Quantity Check of Pollutant Discharge

    排污 总量 核定中的主要问题及解决途径

  • The bulk density of soil is 0.81 % lower than the check plot . The total porosity of soil is 1.28 % higher than the check piot .

    土壤容重比对照低0.8%, 孔隙度较对照高1.28%,通气孔隙度比 对照7.18%

  • From characteristics total ash moisture dopant absorbability and others check items the paper discussed the reasons that affected the quality of carthamus tinctorius after mixing spurious breed .

    从性状、 灰分、分、质、收度等 检验项目,探讨掺伪后影响红花质量的原因。

  • The spindle rigidity standard given by the total machine tool rigidity can be adopted when performing spindle rigidity check .

    在进行主轴刚度 校验时,可选用按机床 刚度确定的主轴刚度指标。

  • What each item cost the total price the tax how much money the shopper gave the checker whether it was cash or a check and the amount of change the shopper is to receive .

    物品单价、 总额、应付税额、顾客实交数额、是现金还是 支票、应找回数额。资本额资本化所得到的数额

  • The effect of textile noise on psychological state of a total of 2 168 workers was assessed by Symptom Check List 90 ( SCL 90 ) . Among them 1 483 workers were exposed ones and the rest was unexposed .

    使用精神症状自 量表SCL-90对纺织厂 2168名在职一线工人(其中接噪工人1483名,非接噪工人685名)的心理状态进行评价。

  • The rice straw mulch can improve the animal conditon of soil . The total amounts of soil animals of 0 ~ 40cm soil layer under rice straw is 1.87 times of that of the check .

    稻秸覆盖能改善土壤动物 总数状况,稻秸覆盖处理的0~40cm土层中,土壤动物个体 总数是对照处理的 1.87倍。

  • Based on AQC test the main factors influencing the results of total phosphor determination are analyzed so as to check up and evaluate the quality of measuring data of assay laboratory .

    通过精密度偏性试验(AQC试验),分析确定影响 总磷测定结果的主要因素;对分析化验室监测数据的质量进行 检验和评价。

  • Methods A reliability analysis was performed for evaluated vaccination rate and reported vaccination rate a logic analysis was done for accumulative total of subjects that should be inoculated with vaccines and a spot check for vaccination rate was conducted to evaluate the report of vaccination rate .

    方法对估计接种率与报告接种率进行可信性分析,对各疫苗间 累计应种数进行逻辑分析,用抽样 调查接种率评估报告接种率的真实水平。

  • Aim : To survey the total performance of the shipboard medical modular system and check whether it is up to the requirements of design and application at sea .

    目的:测试船用医疗模块系统 装备 总体性能 是否达到设计和海上使用要求。

  • Based on the discussion some proposals on processing of maximum and minimum values in measurements reasonable utility of internal control samples setup of the warning limits for measurement quality control verification of the total components and spot check for abnormal values are put forward .

    提出了测量极大值和极小值的处理、内检样的合理插置、测试质量警告限的设置、组分 总量的验证和异常 抽查等一些实质性、操作性极强、具有实效的必要方法。

  • The reform would make transparent the magnitude of executives ' total pay providing a check on the escalation of remuneration levels .

    此项改革将使高管薪酬 总额透明化,对薪酬水平的增加进行 核查

  • Observe the instructions of the diagnosis tester enter the total mileage with the tabulator key check and then press the f8 .

    按照诊断检测仪的说明,用制表键输入 里程数, 检查后按f8键。

  • On the design tab in the table style options group select the total row check box .

    在“设计”选项卡上的“表样式选项”组中,选中“ 总行” 复选框。