total cleavage

[ˈtotl ˈklivɪdʒ][ˈtəutəl ˈkli:vɪdʒ]

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  • Total selectivity of C-C cleavage product for monosaccharide and disaccharide are high but the polysaccharide are low .

    单糖和二糖的C-C 断裂产物的 选择性较高,而多糖则很低。

  • As the amount of glucose increased the conversion gradually decreased the selectivity of C-H cleavage product increased at first then decreased and keep stable finally total selectivity of C-C cleavage product keep in a stable level .

    葡萄糖量增加,转化率降低,葡萄糖酸的选择性先增加后降低并趋于稳定, C-C 断裂产物的 选择性基本不变。

  • A total of 643 oocytes were normally fertilized by ICSI ( 70.2 % ) with a cleavage rate of 91.1 % .

    正常受精率为 70.2%卵裂率为91.1%。

  • The total genomic DNA extraction from 6 chrysanthemum cultivars were reported based on base cleavage method 、 SDS method . CTAB method and improvement SDS method .

    以6个菊花品种为试材,利用碱 裂解法、SDS法、CTAB法、改良SDS法提取DNA后,根据 外观、琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测、 A260/A280 比值的测定、DNA产量等。

  • At last a similarity based on non-gap total sequence alignment is proposed for HIV-PR cleavage site prediction .

    第三,提出基于无空位 序列比对的相似度,并用于 HIV-PR剪切位点预测。

  • Results In total of 127 cycles 1 142 metaphase-II oocytes were micro-injected . Fertilization rate 75 % egg cleavage rate 96 % clinical pregnancy rate 33 % .

    结果 127个周期取1142个MⅡ期成熟卵进行单精子显微注射,受精率为75%, 卵裂率为96%,临床妊娠率33%。

  • Results HLA-G and its isoforms in human cleavage stage embryos : a total of twenty individual cleavage stage human embryos were examined ( five 2-cell five 4-cell five 6-cell and five 8-cell ) . Only 7 / 20 embryos expressed HLA-G and its partial isoforms mRNA .

    结果检测20个受精后 2~3d的人类 卵裂期胚胎,2、4、6、8细胞期胚胎各5个,有7个胚胎表达HLA-G及其部分的异构体mRNA。

  • When the reaction time increased the glucose conversion increased the total selectivity of C-C cleavage oxidation increased too if the time is too long the selectivity of product reduced this may be caused by the decarboxylation of products .

    反应时间增加,转化率增大, C-C断裂氧化产物 选择性增加,反应时间过长选择性降低。