toughness test


  • and the influences of pressure and sintering temperature on the performance of pantograph slide plate were evaluated based on the measurements of friction abrasion and impact toughness of test samples .

    首先分析了成形压力、烧结温度对滑板性能的影响,然后对其导电性、摩擦、磨损性能及冲击 韧性进行 检测并与当前正在使用的受电弓滑板进行了对比。

  • The research suggest that : 1 . Introduced several theoretical and mechanics foundation of the rock crack elaborated Griffith crack theory Orowan correction theory three types of crack and the rock crack toughness test summed up the characteristics of rock crack mechanics properties . 2 .

    研究认为:1.分别介绍了岩石断裂的几种理论和力学基础,分别阐述了Griffith断裂理论、Orowan修正理论、三种断裂类型及岩石断裂 韧度 试验,总结了岩石断裂力学性质的特点。

  • The microstructure impact toughness are analyzed by using optical microscope and toughness test .

    用光学金相显微镜和 冲击 试验研究了双金属材料的显微组织和冲击韧性。

  • Impact toughness test technique for superabrasive grits and its application

    超硬磨料冲击 韧性 测试技术及应用

  • On the basis of the chevron notched short-rod specimen for fracture toughness test suggested by ISRM a designed wedge and two semi-circle slices were used to enable compressive force to be applied on the wedge whereas the crack tip remained loaded in tension .

    采用自行设计的加载压头和粘接在V形切口短棒岩石断裂 韧度 件上的2个半圆形钢片,实现了通过压头施加压缩载荷从而使裂纹尖端承受拉仲载荷的目的。

  • Austenitic stainless steel welding metal - 196 ℃ cryogenic impact toughness technological test

    奥氏体不锈钢焊缝金属-196℃低温冲击 韧性工艺性 试验

  • The Reasonable Design of Charpy-size Specimen for Fracture Toughness Test in Nuclear Surveillance

    核监测用断裂 韧性Charpy尺寸 试样的合理设计

  • Fracture toughness test by Impact-fatigue method

    用多次冲击法 测定金属断裂 韧性

  • The result of flexural toughness test indicates that steel-PP hybrid fibers improve toughness of HPC within full range of deflection .

    弯曲 韧性 试验结果表明,长聚丙烯纤维与钢纤维混杂能够在整个变形范围内提高混凝土韧性,体现出正混杂效应。

  • A new method of prefabricating original cracks in refractory material specimens for fracture toughness test using high temperature static fatigue technique is presented in this paper .

    提出了一种预制耐火材料断裂 韧性 测试试件原生裂纹的新方法&高温静态疲劳法。

  • At last a facture toughness test method was presented .

    最后,介绍了一种断裂 韧性 测试方法。

  • Based on Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar ( SHPB ) testing system and using Flattened Cracked Chevron Notched Brazilian Disc ( CCNBD ) specimen this paper researches the dynamic fracture toughness test method of the same basalt with three different depths .

    本文基于分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)试验技术,借助平台人字形切槽巴西圆盘型试件(CCNBD),详细研究了取自3个深度下同一岩性(玄武岩)的岩石动态断裂 韧性 测试方法。

  • Analysis of the Impact Toughness Test and Fracture of Rail Thermit Welding Joints at Low Temperature

    低温下铁路钢轨铝热焊缝接头冲击 韧性 试验与断口分析

  • A Resemblance Calculation Method for Reliability Analysis of Fracture Toughness Test

    断裂 韧性可靠性分析的相似计算法

  • The Toughness Test Studies of Fiber Concretes in the Wet Joint of Continuous Bridge Erected as Simple-supported Beam

    先简支后连续梁桥湿接缝处纤维混凝土 韧性 试验研究

  • Fracture Toughness Test of Composites with Ply Splice

    复合材料铺层拼接层间断裂 韧性 试验研究

  • Developing of fracture toughness test program

    断裂 韧性 测试程序的开发

  • Prefabricating Original Cracks in Refractory Specimens for Fracture Toughness Test Using High Temperature Static Fatigue Method

    高温静疲劳法预制耐火材料断裂 韧性 件原生裂纹

  • The author used the chevron notched short-rod specimen for fracture toughness test suggested by ISRM in his experiment . The specimen is Kallax gabbro from Sweden with diameter of 71.4mm .

    本实验研究采用国际岩石力学学会建议的V型切口短棒岩石断裂 韧度 件,岩石为瑞典的卡莱克思(Kallax)辉长岩,试件直径为71.4mm。

  • The Progress of Fracture Toughness Test in Pipeline Steel

    管线钢断裂 韧度 测试 实验研究进展

  • Through fracture toughness test for cracking furnace coils at normal temperature in three different states it finds out fracture toughness of cracking furnace coils at normal temperature in this paper that makes well preparation for estimating coils examined by vortex crack detection .

    本文通过对该厂三种不同状态的裂解炉管常温断裂 韧性 试验,得出裂解炉管的常温断裂韧性,为炉管涡流探伤的评定工作做好技术准备。

  • The composition was optimized by tiny alloying orthogonal test design and the hardness and impact toughness test for the different samples with different combination of alloy composition .

    该技术采用微合金化,利用正交试验设计方法,对不同成分搭配的试样进行宏观硬度和冲击 韧性 测试,优化了合金成分。

  • The reliability analysis of ductility fracture toughness test

    延性断裂 韧度 试验的可靠性分析

  • Finally using the same equipment the cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc specimens were subjected to diametral impact the fracture initiation time for the specimen was studied which laid a foundation for dynamic fracture toughness test in the future .

    此外,利用该装置径向冲击CCNBD试样,对试样的起裂时间进行了初步的研究,以便今后对动态断裂 韧度进行进一步的 测试

  • Some problems concerned during diamond impact toughness test

    金刚石冲击 韧性 测定过程中应注意的几个问题

  • In accordance with the fracture toughness test standard of BS7448 J-R curve tests were conducted with multiple specimen with welded joints of D406A ultra-high strength steel .

    根据英国标准BS7448断裂 韧度 试验标准,采用多试样法,测试了D406A超高强度钢焊接接头的J-R曲线。

  • An experiment on dynamic rock fracture toughness test using edge-notched disc specimen is presented .

    提出用边切槽圆盘试样测量岩石动态断裂 韧度的实验方法。

  • Wear test and plain strain fracture toughness test have been conducted .

    做了接触疲劳试验&磨损试验和平面应变断裂 韧性 试验

  • Based on BS 7448 standard CTOD - R resistance curve of welded seam and HAZ derived from low temperature fracture toughness test was obtained from which CTOD value leading to crack was determined .

    根据BS7448:Part4标准采用多试样方法进行了低温断裂 韧性 试验,建立了焊缝和HAZ的CTOD&R阻力曲线,从而确定了启裂CTOD值δ0.2。