


  • When I open my eyes I want to see you live toughly

    睁开眼睛我要看你活得 坚强

  • His masterpieces Time of the child and Atonement portrays stories that many heroes grew up toughly in the frustration .

    其代表作《时间中的孩子》和《赎罪》刻画了众多主人公经历挫折和 磨砺 艰难成长的故事。

  • Therefore the judicial discretion is helpful for the transfers between the legal and non-legal rules while the non-legal rules are still limited toughly . Part ⅲ is to induce the legal thesis and the functions of jurisprudence .

    法官的自由裁量权有助于将非法律规范转换为法律规范,但是非法律规范的适用始终受到 严格的限制。第三部分,法律 命题和法学的功能。

  • Toughly centered on how to promote the efficiency of cooperation operating and the whole efficiency of the cooperate governance structure the former is the problem of cooperation governance structure operating the latter is the problem of cooperation governance model .

    本文 紧紧围绕如何提高公司各 权力机关的运行效率和公司治理结构的整体效率来展开研究,前者即是公司治理结构运行问题,后者即是公司治理结构模式问题。

  • In an era with constant changes in scientific technology as well as inexhaustible emergence of entertainment media Taiwanese opera as a kind of opera with much local cultural characteristics toughly survive .

    面对科技瞬息万变、娱乐媒体层出不穷的时代,一种极具地域文化特色的戏曲&歌仔戏,在这种 夹缝 顽强生存。

  • We live in a toughly competitive world .

    我们生活在竞争 激烈的世界里。

  • Li is introvert while his wife was domineering and his parents treated him toughly when he was young which made him want to kill them .

    李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的 管教 非常 严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。

  • American Sino-Soviet policy went to toughly during these Ten years .

    这十年,美国的中苏政策的 主要 特点 趋向 强硬

  • Chinese women work far more toughly than American women and they show a stronger power of will .

    无论是从事 体力劳动,还是脑力 劳动,中国女人远比美国女人更能吃苦, 具有坚忍的毅力。

  • In this case not only lead to social medical insurance fund toughly operated but also causes the residents were difficult and expensive to see doctor .

    在这种情况下,不仅导致社会医疗保险基金运营的 艰难,而且造成医疗市场上的看病难, 看病贵问题。

  • China however reacted toughly saying the British should withdraw their criticism if they did not want to damage relations between the two .

    不过,中国作出了 强硬的回应,称如果英方不希望损害两国关系,就应该收回批评。

  • They have talked toughly but vaguely about reining in public-sector pay and pensions ;

    保守 曾就控制公共部门的开支和养老金进行了 激烈讨论,但没有任何 结果

  • Republicans run Arizona and are now in a state of hysteria competing with one another to deal most toughly with the threat .

    现在共和党人执掌亚利桑那州,情绪激动, 争先恐后 严肃处理这一威胁。

  • Human Being was born with unhealthiness toughly searching the meanings of life all the time .

    人生而“有病”,总是 固执 探求着生活的意义。

  • Serious violation will subject to cancellation of the qualification to live in ISA the prepaid rent will not be refunded and ISO will deal toughly with it .

    严重违规者,将被取消居住资格,所付房费不予退还并 留学 办公室 严肃处理。