tourist car

[ˈtʊrɪst kɑr][ˈtuərist kɑ:]


  • The Application of Slip Frequency Control System on Electric Tourist Car Based on DSP

    基于DSP的转差频率控制系统在电动 游览 中的应用

  • The Double - Deck Tourist Car in Kunming

    昆明双层 旅游 客车

  • Introduced are the main technology parameters technology performance structure charateristics and track system of the single track ( type T ) electric tourist car .

    介绍一种自主开发的T型单轨 观光 游览 的主要技术参数、技术特点、结构特点及轨道系统。

  • Design of frame of battery tourist car

    电瓶 游览 车架设计

  • With the development of tourist industry tourism car safety gets more and more attention .

    随着我国 旅游业的发展,观光 的安全性得到越来越多的关注。

  • Another tourist car built by local cultural association the old Tai-An Station .

    由当地文化团体制造的另一蒸汽机车 外型动力 ,旧泰安车站内。

  • A few days earlier a Chinese tourist was charged with causing the death of a five-year-old New Zealand girl after his car crossed the median and collided with an oncoming vehicle .

    几天之前,一名中国 游客被控导致新西兰的一名五岁女孩死亡,他越过中线,撞上了一辆迎面驶来的 汽车

  • As soon as the tourist stepped out of his car the dog began snarling and growling and then attacked both his arms and legs .

    游客下车后,牧羊犬开始疯狂的咆哮,并且攻击 游客的手臂和大腿。

  • First it analyses its current functions ; then analyses the opportunity and challenges Shanghai tourist center facing in the process of function enhancing such as opportunity of the 2010 EXPO travel services black vehicles self-driving car touring and so on .

    首先,分析上海 旅游集散中心的功能现状;其次,分析其功能提升面临的机遇和挑战,如世博会的机遇、旅行社、黑车、自 驾车旅游的竞争等。

  • A tourist coach in morning yesterday has occurred the car accident .

    昨天早上一 游览车发生了 车祸

  • Then the hardware and software of tourist car based on SVPWM are presented in the paper .

    此外,还介绍了基于SVPWM 游览 的硬件构成和软件实现方法。

  • As a tourist on business I needn 't buy a car to drive to visit america . I suppose that your country must have any car rental industry .

    我作为一名出公差来美国的 旅行者,可没有必要为了旅行而去买一 车子。我想贵国一定有某种租车服务行业吧。

  • A more sensitive tourist might worry about being kidnapped by FARC rebels or breaking down in the jungle or car accidents ( like the burning wreckage of a fatal crash they came upon in Mexico ) .

    更敏感一些的 旅行者也许会担心半路被哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)绑架、在丛林里坏 ,或是遭遇 车祸(他们在墨西哥目睹了致命车祸现场残骸燃烧的场景)。

  • Or they can buy a tourist car or rent one by using the rest of the money so the cost will be reduced more .

    或者干脆把多余付出的钱买辆 游览 ,或者干脆去租辆,这样造价还会降低的。

  • After you finish visiting the49-meter story you can go to the41-meter story where you can take the tourist track car to enjoy a different tour and it is definitely worth it !

    那里是乘坐轨道 游览 参观的,排很长的队大家也要去坐坐,感觉是不同的哦!

  • A slip frequency control system of asynchronous motor used DSP as control center is presented which apply to the electric tourist car .

    介绍一种以DSP为控制核心的异步电动机转差频率控制系统在电动 游览 中的应用。

  • Application of SVPWM on the Tourist Car

    SVPWM技术在电动 游览 中的应用