tower height

[ˈtaʊɚ haɪt][ˈtauə hait]


  • There are2 ways namely raising tower height and changing conductor suspension modes to raise suspension height .

    提高导线悬挂 高度的方法有升高 杆塔和改变导线悬挂方式2种。

  • To measure both the liquid level of Coke-cracking Tower and the height of foam an on-line measurement instrument of the liquid level for Coke-cracking Tower based on dual-energy γ - ray transmission is designed .

    为了同时测量焦化 的液位和泡沫 高度,设计了一种双能γ射线焦化塔液位在线测量仪。

  • The probability of lightning strike because of long distance and high tower height also increases . With the transmission capacity increasing the internal overvoltage becomes more severely because of capacity effect of transmission lines .

    但由于输送距离长、 杆塔 高度 ,使线路遭受雷击过电压的概率增大,同时传输容量大,线路的容升效应使系统内部过电压过高。

  • The influence on the tower stability of tower height wind load overturn moment is discussed and the stability of the tower in working conditions is checked .

    探讨了 高度、风载、倾覆弯矩等因素对塔身稳定性的影响,并校核了STL80型塔式起重机在工作情况下塔身的稳定性。

  • A description is made of the technical analyzing process of radar tower and frequency-point height determination during the construction of the Wuhan CINRAD / SA Radar System . The requirements for protection of bare space around the radar station are pointed out clearly .

    介绍了武汉CINRAD/SA雷达系统建设中确定雷达 塔高与频点的技术分析过程,明确提出了雷达站四周的净空保护要求;

  • Tower height is lower .

    C 3 塔高

  • The response and controlling effect of displacement and acceleration in transverse and longitudinal would be affected by tower height and tension of transmission lines .

    研究表明: 塔高和输电线张力 会影响大 跨越 输电 -线体系的横线向与顺线向的位移和加速度响应和 控效果。

  • The tower is twice the height of the building .


  • In addition some of the main design parameters such as the tower height and the cable force which influence on the whole structure are still discussed .

    此外,本文还探讨了不同的 塔高、拉索索力等主要设计参数对全桥力学行为的影响。

  • By Making use of wind tunnel method this paper presents a study of dispersion for cylindric wind tower whose height is about 70m and diameter of Cross section 29.7m .

    本文利用风洞模拟方法,对 约70米、直径 29.7米园柱形排气 的扩散规律进行了研究。

  • The Art Tower height is an important exception to the local height rule .

    艺术之 高度是对当地限高规定的一个非常重要的突破。

  • The relationship between the tower height and the design capacity of the aim plant is found .

    确定了太阳能 发电站设计容量与 相对于 定日 中心高度的关系。

  • This article presents the empirical fitting of air shock para-meters produced by explosion on tower with height of 4 charge radius and on surface ( charge is tangent with surface ) . Formulae for estimating these parameters are given .

    本文对爆 为4倍装药半径的 爆和触地爆(药球与地面相切)实验的空气冲击波参数进行了经验拟合,给出了估算公式。

  • Based on the observed deformation of the cable tower of 195.41m in height on the second Nanjing Yangtze Bridge the influences of temperature sunshine and wind pressure on the deformation of the cable tower are studied .

    根据南京长江第二大桥 195.41m 的斜拉桥索塔柱的实测变形值,研究了温度、日照和风速等因素作用对塔柱变形的量值。

  • Demolition of a water tower with a height of 51 meters by unidirectional fold blasting


  • In revamping the diameter of tower tray the tower height and the number of tower trays were fixed while the F_1 floating valve trays were replaced by ADV differential tower tray the throughput of each fractionation tower was increased by over 40 % .

    改造中在塔径、 塔高、塔盘数不变即塔体利旧的情况下,用ADV微分浮阀塔盘替换原F1型浮阀塔盘,使各个分馏塔的生产能力提高40%以上;

  • The results indicate that with the decrease of the tower height the vertical rigidity of girder will fall and the deflection will increase .

    结果表明, 塔高,主梁竖向刚度降低,挠度增大。

  • By selecting the proper blasting cut parameters delay internal blasthole pattern parameters and charge weight the water tower with a height of 41m was made smoothly to collapse in the area of 13m length .

    通过合理选择切口参数、微差爆破时间、孔网参数、药量,成功地迫使 41m高的 水塔倒塌在长13m的范围内。

  • And reasonable tower height and diameter of the chimney is the necessary conditions for normal and efficient power plant operation .

    而合理的 高度和直径是实现电站正常高效运行的必要条件。

  • The relationship among the increment of tower response height site condition and direction of seismic considering soil-structure dynamic interaction is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively .

    定性及定量的分析了考虑土-结构动力相互作用后, 反应的增大量与 高度、场地条件、地震作用方向的关系。

  • There is a railway necessary to be protected under a coke-quenching tower with 36-meter height and reinforced concrete frame structure .

    一座36m 的钢筋混凝土框架结构熄焦 下有需要保护的铁路线。

  • Metal parts lifted by tower crane fell from height and injured a worker .

    塔式起重机吊起之金属配件从 高处堕下,引致工人受伤。

  • In recent decades the transmission tower-line systems are often destroyed by earthquakes with the increasing of tower height and line span .

    随着输电 高度和输电线的档距增加,近几十年地震导致输电塔-线体系破坏的现象不断出现。

  • Research results show that along with the reduction of both tower height and surge grounding resistance the back striking withstand performance enhances ;

    结果表明:随着 杆塔 高度的降低,冲击接地电阻的减小,线路反击性能增强;

  • The tower rises to a height of 60 feet . The distant light-house reared high .


  • The mass transfer experiments were conducted in a stainless plate tower with the height of 0.4m and diameter of 0.75 by using cyclohexane and n-heptane as research media under the condition of atmospheric pressure and total reflux .

    实验以环己烷-正庚烷为物系,在常压条件下,以全回流的方式在 4m,直径0.75m的不锈钢 精馏 塔内进行了传质实验。

  • Determination of Tower Skit Height

    设备裙座 高度的计算

  • But even after having gone that far Emmar is still not unveiling the tower 's final height .

    但即使达到这样的高度,公司仍是没有透露 的最终 高度

  • Dalian Scenery Tower is the first height and best perspective for tourists totally viewing Dalian scenery .

    大连观光 是旅客领略大连风光的第一 高度和最佳观点。

  • The first example is to design the section of the column of a water tower whose height is 24 m and whose volume is 100 m 3 . According to design standards the seismic load is considered .

    第1个算例是24m 100m3 水塔支筒截面设计,根据规范要求考虑了地震荷载。