to answer to...


  • The most intuitive way to answer these questions is to construct confidence intervals for the statistics .


  • Once we understand the questions needed to assess progress to goals we then firm up the measurement model with the specific metrics required to form the answer to those questions .

    一旦您理解了需要评估目标的问题,之后我们将使用特定的必要矩阵 组织问题的 答案的方法建立度量模型。

  • But as Table 3 shows the percentage of questions you need to answer correctly to pass is low .

    但如表2所示,通过考试所 答对的试题的百分比很低。

  • Of course if there is a question which you are not expected to know the answer to or if you are genuinely stuck don 't make things up or try to bluff your way through .

    当然了,如果出现了一个你不知道 如何 回答的问题、或者你一时语塞,也不要编造事实或试图蒙混过关。

  • If it sounds like Aiyar 's five years in Beijing have left her reluctant to give a definitive answer to this question one she poses often in her book Smoke and Mirrors : An Experience of China she is .

    如果这听起来好象是因为艾亚尔在北京的五年使得她不 愿意 这个问题给出一个明确的 回答,确实是这样。

  • Are you able to provide the answer to this problem ?

    那么,您是否 能够 告诉我下面这个问题的 答案呢?

  • In addition these tools provide information collected from the system to repair or answer to such events .

    另外,这些工具提供从系统收集的信息, 从而修复或 响应这些事件。

  • The parents of any love-besotted teenager might want to know the answer to that .

    任何沉醉于爱情的青少年,他们的父母可能都 知道相应的 答案

  • No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious .


  • But it was a male so they taught him to answer to Frankie short for Frank Buck .

    但是,它是头公鹿。他们教它熟悉“弗兰基” 这个名字,这是雄鹿弗兰克的简称。

  • The politician refused to give the straight answer to the question .

    这个政治家拒绝正面 回答记者的问题。

  • This book was written to answer such questions and to provide a means for making astrophysical judgments .

    写这本书的目的就是 回答诸如此类的问题,并为作出天体物理学的判断提供一种方法。

  • I don 't quite know what to say in answer to your question .

    我不太清楚 如何 回答你的问题。

  • Such prayers are but the expression of the unrest of one 's heart and unrest implies unbelief in reference to the answer to prayer .

    这种祷告不过表示我们的心没有安息,没有安息就是不信祷告的 答应

  • In some cases she says the interviewer may ask a question that he or she doesn 't expect you to be able to answer simply to see how you handle it .

    她说,有时候面试官会问一个他/她不期望你能 回答的问题,就是看看你如何应对。

  • To prepare an answer to this question look at the job listing .

    准备 回答这个问题,先认真查看职业要求。

  • The last part of the meeting was using the BrainBoard where we asked participants to answer questions related to education and answer the question by putting a sticky note on the board .

    此次会议的第3部分使用了“BrainBoard”,在这部分中,我们要求参与者回答一些关于教育的问题,通过在题板上放置一个便利贴 回答问题。

  • To understand the answer to this question you have to know how the JSF framework builds the tree of components whose values must be restored .

    理解这些问题的 答案,您必须了解JSF框架构建组件树的方式,这些组件树的值必须进行恢复。

  • We absolutely also have an interest in trying to achieve that through a peaceful diplomatic means and also to have a total answer to the question that challenges the security of the United States the Middle East and the world .

    通过和平、外交手段努力实现这一目标, 挑战美国、中东和全世界安全的问题找到一个完整 答案也绝对符合我们的利益。

  • Letting someone else know what you are trying to do will ensure that you have someone to answer to .

    让别人知道你尝试去做的事情会确保有人 负责

  • My objective is to build upon the right things ; things that I hope will be around for a while . I don 't want to build my brilliant answer to life 's problems on an outdated foundation .

    我的目标要建立在正确的事情上,那些我希望会延续一段时间的事情,我不 人生难题的辉煌 答案建立在过时的基础上。

  • Alibaba often referred to as China 's answer to eBay and Amazon now has 100 million visitors every day said Ma at this year 's World Economic Forum in Davos .

    阿里巴巴,相当 美国的易趣和亚马逊。在今年的世界达沃斯经济论坛上, 马云称阿里巴巴现在的日访问量可达1亿人次。

  • You are to answer to Brian to take your orders from him .

    需要 布赖恩 汇报,听从他的指挥。

  • He was unaccountably pleased to have found the answer to his conumdrum so quickly .

    这么迅速就找到这个难题的 答案,他莫明其妙地 高兴起来。

  • What makes this question ( and all other questions derived from it ) easier to answer is to look instead at the How : How do I identify which services my business needs ?

    让这个问题(以及所有从其派生的问题) 回答起来更 简单的方法是, 转而研究“如何”方面。我如何标识我的业务需要哪些服务?

  • Many people in their lifetime avoid or do not even seek to find the answer to that question .

    许多人在他们的一生中都在逃避或根本没有去寻找过这个问题的 答案

  • In fact Facebook merely could have filed its financials continued to allow its shares to trade on secondary markets for private companies and gone on its merry way without having to answer to the new owners it so clearly disdains .

    事实上,Facebook完全可以在上报财务数据的同时继续在非上市公司二级市场进行股票交易,按自己的方式高高兴兴地过日子,全然不 理会它显然瞧不上的新股东们。