to the backbone

[tu ði ˈbækˌbon][tu: ðə ˈbækˌbəʊn]


  • He raised his people 's gaze . I like it to the backbone .

    他打开了人们的眼界。我 心眼里喜欢它。

  • Compared with the effect to the backbone networks the affect to metro and the access networks made by broadband streaming services are much larger and deeper . Therefore the design and construction of optical metro and access networks are much more challenging .

    相对于 骨干网,宽带流媒体应用对城域网和接入网带来的影响更为巨大,因此也为城域网和接入网的设计和建设带来新的挑战。

  • Robust enterprise application servers have emerged to form the backbone of today 's distributed service-based solutions .

    健壮的企业应用程序服务器已经摆脱出来 形成 今天分布式的基于服务的解决方案 架构

  • In this architecture only the control signaling is transmitted to the mobile core network while user data is directly transmitted to the IP backbone .

    这一方案中,只有控制信息被传输到移动核心网,而用户数据直接 通过IP 骨干 传输,这样可以极大地缓解无线数据业务 移动 核心 负荷

  • The F-35 is supposed to become the backbone of American air power but its costs have been rising .

    35战机 成为美国空军 主要 机种,但其所需费用在不断增加。

  • The high exhaustion chrome tanning mechanism of OXD-I auxiliary was suggested to be : OXD-I formed firm covalent bond with collagen and then the carboxyl groups hydroxyl groups and amino groups of OXD-I were introduced to the backbone of collagen .

    OXD-I的高吸收机理为: OXD-I助剂先与胶原上的活性基团发生化学反应,将羧基、羟基以及胺基等基团引入胶原纤维上。

  • He is an English man to the backbone .

    他是一个 纯粹 英国人。

  • Also presented in this paper based on P2P VOD system when users demand more but the faster transmission speed so in theory demand users download unlimited nodes can be increased without having to consider the backbone network bandwidth and server problems .

    另外本文提出的基于P2P的VOD系统,当点播的用户越多,传输的速度反而越快,这样在理论上点播下载的用户节点可以无限增加而无须考虑 骨干网带宽和服务器的问题。

  • Zheng firmly believes that migrant children can not only overcome their hardships but can use these experiences to become the backbone of the country 's future .

    郑女士坚信打工子弟能够成功克服其生活环境所致的不利,同时,这样独特的经历会帮助 他们成为国家未来 栋梁

  • He is British to the backbone .

    他是 地道 英国人。

  • Barack Obama will soon appoint a new cabinet to form the backbone of his administration in its second term .

    巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)很快将 组建新内阁, 构成他第二任政府 支柱

  • I like it to the backbone .


  • In recent years with the increasing popularity of multimedia on demand applications multimedia content transmission takes up most of the current Internet traffic leading to the backbone bandwidth tension and longer user access latency .

    近年来,随着多媒体点播应用的日益普及,多媒体内容的传输占用了当前Internet上的大部分流量, 导致 骨干带宽紧张和用户访问时延增加。

  • Each additional area must have a direct or virtual connection to the backbone OSPF area .

    每一个额外的区域必须有一个直接或者虚拟的连接 OSPF的主攻区域上。

  • It concerns the ability of mainstream European political parties to convince voters that they will deliver jobs decent wages financial stability and enough growth to preserve the backbone of the universal welfare state .

    它关系到欧洲主流政党能否让选民相信,他们将创造就业机会,提供像样的工资,保持金融稳,让经济强劲增长, 维系全民福利国家 支柱

  • Art secondary school students are likely to become the backbone of China ' sliterary career to become disseminators of art education .

    艺术中专的学生未来都可能成为我国文艺事业 中坚 力量,成为艺术的传播者、教育者。

  • Among them intermediate associate professors football researchers to become the backbone of our football research .

    其中,中级、副高级职称的足球科研人员成为我国足球科研 中坚 力量

  • The good design principles of SOA are the difference between processes that are fragmented and inefficiently connected to the transactional backbone of the enterprise and processes that are an integral part of transforming a business .

    SOA的良好设计原则是碎片化、低效地连接 企业 事务 主干的流程与作为业务转型的一个重要部分的流程之间的区别。

  • With the bus topology all workstations are connected directly to the main backbone that carries the data .

    通过总线拓扑结构,所有的工作站都直接连接 传输数据 主干线上。

  • You might be taking drastic measures and you 've got to have the backbone to do that .

    你也许要采取极端的措施,你 必须勇气那么做。

  • He is honest to the backbone .

    他是 绝对 诚实

  • The main work of this paper is to research the backbone of the Hoop-rib deployable antenna . Analysis and design of the Hoop-rib deployable structure joint are carried on and kinematics simulation analysis of the model is conducted .

    本文工作主要 针对新型 肋可展开天线 背架进行研究,对环肋可展开结构的关节部分进行分析和设计,并且对方案模型进行了运动仿真分析,验证该结构设计方案的正确合理性。

  • In this way users can improve the speed of response and reduce transmission pressure to the backbone network due to the large number of remote access .

    通过这种方法提高用户访问网站的响应速度,同时减轻大量的远距离访问 骨干网造成 传输压力。

  • Connecting proper epoxy resin to the backbone chain of this resin and combining this resin with other auxiliary resins will produce a new kind of polyurethane resin cation .

    将这种树脂与一些其它辅助树脂配合,可得到一种新型聚氨酯型 阳离子树脂。

  • Int-serv is used for small-scale edge network requiring high QoS while Diff-serv is best suited to the backbone .

    Int-serv模型适用于规模较小、业务质量要求较高的边缘网络,Diff-serv模型则 适于 骨干

  • They give steel to the backbone of america .

    他们为美国 精神 脊梁 浇铸了钢筋。

  • CHINANET and the multimedia network will surely be the future developing focus Hubei broadband multimedia communication network will be based on ATM and linked to the national backbone network .

    CHINANET及中国公众多媒体网无疑是今后发展的重点。湖北省宽带多媒体通信网将基于ATM技术, 以便与国家 骨干网相衔接。

  • As I see it the Russians are starting to break the backbone of Hitlerism but at terrible cost .

    在我看来,俄国人正在 开始打断希特勒主义 脊柱,但付出的代价是惊人的。

  • Second Strengthening the training of maintenance personnel and application for the tax authorities at all levels to build the backbone of applied technology team ;

    二是强化培训维护和应用人员,为各级税务机关建立应用技术 骨干队伍;