to assert oneself

[tu əˈsɚt wʌnˈsɛlf][tu: əˈsə:t wʌnˈself]


  • After unit 's crime legal representative and other directly responsible persons in charge give oneself up to the police automatically state crime fact of the unit and me accurately can assert the unit gives oneself up .

    单位犯罪后,法定代表人及其他直接负责的主管人员自动投案,如实 供述单位和本人的犯罪事实的,可以 认定单位 自首

  • Customer oriented credibility communication abilities and ability to assert oneself .

    有良好的客户服务意识,诚实 守信,良好的沟通能力。

  • It also shows us the general vitality and the ability to assert oneself it describes a general tone of being which colors everything else .

    它同样也展现给我们 自身总体的生命力还有发展的能力,描述了一切的总体 定调而且渲染了其他所有东西。