to think alike

[tu θɪŋk əˈlaɪk][tu: θiŋk əˈlaik]


  • European coming to China for the first time may think that everyone looks alike because he sees people with black hair and dark eyes everywhere .

    一位初次 来到中国的欧洲人也许会 认为这里的每个人看上去 一摸 一样,因为他所到之处看到的都是黑头发黑眼睛的人们。

  • You gonna listen to them ? Huh ? They think we all look alike .

    你打算 听信他们?吓?他们 以为 白人一个 模样

  • I think I was a good son to my father and William is certainly a good son to me so yes I think we are alike .

    我是父亲的好儿子,william也是我的好儿子,我 认为我们很 相像

  • One member of a family will start to think and speak alike .

    家庭成员 思维和语法 一致

  • I agree that 's just what I was going to saygreat minds think alike !

    我同意,那真是我想说的&真是英雄 所见略同

  • He seems to think our two countries are so much alike .

    似乎他 让美国变得和中国 一样

  • We both came up with the same solution to the problem . Great minds think alike .

    我们两个 这个问题都想到相同的解决 方式,真 英雄 所见略同

  • It is time we set aside this adolescent nit-picking at our differences and began to think of ourselves as a human family alike in more ways than we are dissimilar .

    现在是该抛弃像青春期的年轻人那样在我们差异方面吹毛求疵,并且让我们开始 我们自己看成是一个人类大家庭, 相似方面总是多于差异的时候了。