to put in an appearance

[tu pʊt ɪn ən əˈpɪrəns][tu: put in æn əˈpiərəns]

露(一下)面, 到场一会儿

  • I don 't want to go to the garden party but I 'd better put in an appearance .

    我不想 参加那个花园聚会,但我最好还是 面儿

  • I think I ought to put in an appearance at the office before lunch .

    我想我 午饭前到办公室 一面。

  • Even though we were busy we thought it would be disrespectful not to put in an appearance .

    纵然我们很忙,我们认为不 出席 失礼

  • Spassky won the first game and was awarded by the second by default when Fischer failed to put in an appearance

    斯帕斯基赢了第一局,又因菲舍尔第二局 未能上场而再胜

  • Seaweed s jellyfish - like creatures sponges and the odd worm do start to put in an appearance a few million years before the Cambrian begins .

    寒武纪到来前的几百万年前,海草、水母类生物、海绵和怪蚯蚓 开始 露面

  • I ought at least to put in an appearance at the party .

    我至少应该 宴会 露面