to the extent of...


  • It shall be displayed to the extent of my humble abilities in continued efforts so to administer the Government as to preserve their liberty and promote their happiness .

    我将 继续 我微薄之力管理政府,维护你们的自由,促进你们的幸福,以此来表达 的感激之情。

  • Spraying though still continues according to the extent of the malaria problem and the behavior of the mosquito in a particular area .

    根据某一特定地区疟疾的严重 程度和蚊虫的活动情况,喷药法仍有沿用。

  • For whatever reason you have driven a wedge between me and those I work with even to the extent of requiring some of my associates to report my conversations and activities back to you .

    无论出于何种理由,您破坏了我与同事之间的关系, 甚至要求我的一些同事向您汇报我的谈话和活动内容。

  • Coarse granularity : Granularity with services refers to the extent of functionality that a service presents publicly .

    粗粒度:服务的粒度是 服务公开给出的功能 范围

  • The results show that the characteristics of soil grain under different types of land utilization are closely correlated to the extent of soil loss .

    结果表明:研究区域不同土地利用状况土体内,土壤颗粒特性 土壤流失 程度密切相关。

  • He believed to the extent of his powers .


  • Can also make the management automation of the medicine store turned with the logical arrangement appear various managements not to the extent of confusion .

    还可以使药店的管理自动化和条理化,不 至于出现各项管理的混乱。

  • My personal theory is that beliefs are not only structured energy but also energy that seems to be conscious at least to the extent of having some degree of awareness .

    我个人是这么认为的,信念不但是有组织的能量,而且是有意识的,至少是有一定 程度 意识。

  • Unfortunately elemental analysis will not yield any information as to the extent of contamination by urea .

    不幸的是,元素分析不能 指出夹杂尿素 程度

  • Food imports could rise but not to the extent of shaping monetary policy .

    食品进口可能会增加,但不会 达到 足以影响货币政策 程度

  • There was a severe limitation to the extent of music preservation as well as to the distance and directions of music transmission .

    音乐保存极为有限,传播距离和传播方向也极 有限

  • In fact what makes the preceding paragraph true is that most readers won 't believe it & at least to the extent of acting on it .

    事实 ,上一段能够成立的理由,正是在于大多数读者不相信这一点,至少不会 行动上实践。

  • The Parties shall share the risks and losses of the Company only to the extent of its commitment to contribute to the registered capital of the Company .

    合资双方仅 其承诺对公司注册资本缴付的出资 范围 承担公司的风险和亏损。

  • You have a strong desire to be right even to the extent of perfectionism .

    你对正确性有强烈的 渴望以至于过分追求完美。

  • They are prepared to fight for their rights even to the extent of going on strike .

    他们准备为争取自己的权利而斗争,哪怕 举行罢工也 在所不惜

  • In addition to the extent of our knowledge we do not expect further significant new negative policies from the carriers .

    此外, 我们已知 范围 ,我们不认为会有任何更负面的移动计费政策再出台。

  • Is the world so dark to the extent of being void of any fear of God ?

    世界如此黑暗 造物主没有丝毫敬畏?

  • He said he didn 't like the president but not to the extent of wanting to kill him

    他说他不喜欢总统,但是还没有 想要刺杀他的 地步

  • Professor Marget forgot himself to the extent of hitting the student over the head with a book .


  • You even went to the extent of trying to transfer your sin of killing a cockroach to someone else .

    你看,你都坏 这种 程度,连杀一只蟑螂也把业障送给别人。

  • The correlation of ACR to the extent of coronary lesions was analyzed .

    目的:研究尿微量白蛋白 冠心病的相关性。

  • It said the man 's lack of clothing probably contributed to the extent of his burns .

    报告说,可能是他身上没穿什么衣服,致使了 较大 面积 烧伤。

  • Your caring your moral feelings towards other creatures to the extent of the proportion of genes that you share with them .

    你的关心,你对他人的道德情感, 取决 你和他们拥有 多少,相同的基因。

  • He is in debt to the extent of 10 dollars .

    他负债已 一万美元。

  • Markings other than described are to be faulted in direct relationship to the extent of the deviation .

    除上面描述以外的斑纹都属于缺陷, 根据背离 程度进行扣分。

  • Contributors of a firm shall assume liability to the extent of their respective capital contributions .

    事务所的出资人承担责任 其出资额 为限

  • I reckon that Business to the extent of over 800 million US dollars can Be done .

    我估计可以 达到 八亿美元以上 贸易额。

  • The most important question however is always how to react to the extent of the uncertainty .

    不过,最重要的问题始终是如何 应对 重大不确定性。

  • The risk remains only to the extent of human error but there was nothing systemic or institutional about the breach .

    人为风险仍然只是 程度 而已,有关之违规行为亦无关于体系的或制度的问题。