to put to test

[化] 做试验

  • One result of this was to put the president to a test in crisis management of a kind that he so far has avoided in his nearly three years in office .

    这样,便 使总统处理危机的能力面临着一场 考验;他执政近三年来一直在努力避免这种 考验

  • And the US where the iPhone and its kind have made their biggest inroads is about to put the new-found freedoms to their first serious test .

    而在iphone之类产品最为大行其道的美国,这些“新发现的自由” 面临首次严峻 考验

  • Dick is in main control of the racing lofts and it is his job to put to test Mark 's work which he does thoroughly .

    迪克主要负责 鸽舍的赛鸽比赛工作,他的工作就是 检测马克的工作,而且他也做的很彻底。

  • That strategy would now have to be put to the test .

    现在需要 这一策略 进行 考验

  • He liked to put ideas to the test .

    他喜欢 一些想法 加以 检验

  • In a bid to promote and enhance Hongkong Post 's image among the international philatelic community we participate in this Award to put to test the design and quality of Hong Kong stamps .

    为推广和提高香港邮政在国际集 邮坛的形象,我们参与了这项大奖赛,以期 外界展示香港邮票的设计和品质。

  • All your relationships are going to be put to the test .

    你们的各种关系都 受到 考验

  • However coming months are set to put some Chinese machinery makers to the test as demand for construction equipment in China falls on the back of a weakening real estate sector .

    不过,未来几个月中国的一些机械制造商 面临 考验,因为随着房地产市场的走软,中国建筑设备的需求在下降。

  • Now to put my tailor to the test !

    现在 试试我的裁缝师!

  • So he gave ear to them in this thing and put them to the test for ten days .

    委办便允准他们这件事, 试看他们十天。

  • Then those who were about to put him to the test went away : and the chief captain was in fear seeing that he was a Roman and that he had put chains on him .

    于是那些 拷问 保罗的人,就离开他 了。 千夫长既知道他是罗马人,又因为捆绑了他,也害怕了。

  • With McCormick 's backing Pincus set up a lab to put his hormone theory to the test .

    在麦考密克的支持下, 平卡斯建立起一个实验室 实践他的荷尔蒙理论。

  • Corporate borrowers in many markets are about to put their foreign bank creditors to the test as they prepare to refinance syndicated-loan facilities .

    在很多市场上,公司借款人纷纷准备对辛迪加贷款(syndicated-loanfacilities注11)进行再融资, 它们的外国银行债权人带来重大 考验

  • I really want you to put it to the test & please !

    我真需要你 试用 看看&拜托!

  • Its ability to reflect and conform to reality but also put to test in practice .

    它是否能反映和符合实际,还要 放到实践中 检验

  • The order was given to haul drill-rigs to some of the sites and put the theories to the test .

    下达了命令,要 钻机 运往一些地点 检验这些理论。

  • Jesus answered him Scripture says again you are not to put the LORD your God to the test .

    耶稣答道:可经书上还讲“不 试探你的上帝天主。”

  • Time to put this theory to the test .

    是时候 理论应用 实践了。

  • End aim at the system design project set up the system test terrace and from the system the function that design to put forward requested to be up to do the test analysis and summary .

    最后,针对系统设计方案,构建系统测试平台,并从系统设计 提出的功能要求上做了 测试分析和总结。

  • If you have always suspected as much but kept quiet about it it would be very dangerous - disastrous in fact - suddenly to put it to the test .

    若你一直这么认为却又 不动声色,突然间 现实 检验其真伪,后果会很危险(事实上是灾难性的)。

  • And Yau is beginning to appreciate that in creating sake no Hana he is going to put his capabilities in this field to the test .

    而丘德威正在开始明白,建立sakenohana 他在这一领域的声誉受到 考验

  • So she and her colleagues decided to put the soft drink to the test .

    于是她和她的同事们决定 检测 一下这种软饮料。

  • I decided to take a three-day trip not to put Glass to the test but to explore the upsides and downsides of different ways of navigating the world .

    我决定 旅行三天,不是 测试 谷歌眼镜,而是探索不同游世界方式的优点和缺点。

  • Yet Columbus fought many difficulties before he could get ships to put his idea to the test .

    不过,哥伦布在 检验自己的想法之前克服了许多困难。

  • Yet that same political system is likely to be put to the test by the long-term challenges of reconstruction and the demands for more openness that this will create .

    不过,灾后重建的长期挑战,以及未来由此产生的提高开发程度的要求,可能 使这个政治体系受到 考验

  • With this knowledge in mind we will start to put the pieces together to create our BDD Unit Test Template .

    有了这些知识,我们可以 那些零散的东西放到一起 创建我们的BDD单元 测试模板。

  • A data scientist wanted to put this theory to the test and in doing so has created a graphic that reveals how few ways there are in certain Eastern cultures to talk about colours compared to the West .

    一位数据科学家 想要 验证这一理论,他绘制了一张图标,这张图表证明,相对于西方文化,东方文化中描绘颜色的语汇要少得多。

  • I have to thank the executives for giving me the opportunity to put my skills to the test because this role is considered to be very challenging .

    我要谢谢7 高层 我这个 磨练的机会,因为这个角色非常具有挑战性。