
  • Going forward we will stay in close coordination with the TNC to support that outcome .

    继续前进,我们将与 全国 过渡 委员会保持密切合作,以支持 你们取得这种结果。

  • Furthermore some technical background information such as TNC 's general strategies and motivation in China are provided .

    另外,还对 跨国 公司在中国的一般性战略和动机加以阐述,以供学生对相关背景资料的了解。

  • And it notes the top five spots favored by TNC 's are China the United States India Brazil and Russia .

    报告说,最受 跨国 公司偏爱的五大 投资对象国是中国、美国、印度、巴西与俄罗斯。

  • The opposition Transitional National Council ( TNC ) it is moving some of its ministries from Benghazi in the east to the capital .

    反政府的国家过渡委员会已经将他们的几个机构,从首都以西的 班加西迁到的黎波里。

  • On the Transnational Corporations ( TNC ) of the Economy Globalization and the Invasion of the TNC to the Nations

    论经济全球化中的 跨国公司及其对民族国家的挑战

  • The Gulf state supports the NATO mission funds rebel media and recently gave the TNC $ 100 million in cash .

    这个波斯湾国家支持北约的利比亚使命,资助反对派的媒体,最近给了 全国 过渡 委员会一亿美元的现款。

  • Three days after the African Union resisted calls to recognize the TNC as Libya 's legitimate authority Ping said the anti-Gadhafi forces would be welcomed once they form an inclusive government .

    非洲联盟拒绝要它们承认利比亚 国家 过渡 委员会为合法政府之后三天,让平说,反卡扎菲的各派力量组成的包容性政府,将受到欢迎。

  • TNC architecture including the entities layers and interfaces was analyzed .

    着重分析了 可信 网络 连接架构,包括架构中涉及的实体、层次和接口。

  • Libya continues to hold a seat on the Peace and Security Council although Tripoli 's ambassador Ali Abdallah Awidan last week switched sides and now supports the TNC .

    虽然的黎波里驻非盟大使阿里·阿布达拉·阿维丹已经在上星期转变了立场,如今投靠利比亚国家 过渡 委员会。但利比亚继续保留在非盟和平与安全理事会中的席位。

  • As the leadership of the TNC has made clear the rights of all Libyans must be respected .

    全国 过渡委员会领导层已明确表示的那样,所有利比亚人的权利都必须获得尊重。

  • Ping 's latest comments appeared to be in response to a storm of criticism after an AU Peace and Security summit rejected international calls to recognize the TNC .

    明显地,让平最近的评论,是针对非盟和平与安全高峰会拒绝国际呼吁,承认 利比亚 国家 过渡 委员会引发的一阵批评声浪而作出的。

  • Clinton is stressing that the aid package contains no weapons and does not amount to a blank check of unlimited U.

    克林顿夫人强调,这些援助没有包含任何武器设备,也不等于 美国利比亚 过渡 国民 委员会 TNC)无限制援助的“空白支票”

  • Research on the Location Choice of TNC 's Regional Headquarters and China 's Economic Development

    跨国 公司地区总部区位选择与中国经济发展研究

  • The TNC head Mustafa Abdel Jalil also announced that elections will be held in eight months .

    过渡委员会主席 贾利勒同时宣布,选举将于八个月之内举行。

  • This paper examined the network connections ( TNC ) of the protocol functions and framework and in this study based on the TNC-CS protocol in the integrity of the measurement of the role of architecture . 2 .

    研究了网络连接( TNC)的协议的功能和协议架构,并且在此基础上研究了TNC-CS协议的在完整性测量架构中的作用。

  • She said U.S.and TNC officials have been working for weeks on how to release the funds .

    她说,美国和 全国 过渡 委员会官员已对如何解冻这些资金进行了几个星期的磋商。

  • At a Contact Group plenary session Turkish Foreign Minister and conference chairman Ahmet Davutoglu said the TNC 's financial needs are acute .

    在联络小组的一次全体会议上,兼任会议主席的土耳其外长达武特奥卢表示,利比亚 全国 过渡 委员会的经费需求非常紧迫。

  • Relying on the openness of TNC the system has good compatibility and portability .

    系统完全依靠软件平台而实现,不需要 配备 额外 硬件 设备;依托 TNC的开放性,系统具有很好的兼容性和可移植性。

  • This paper introduces the TNC architecture the relationship of TNC and network standards and equipments and studies how to apply TNC architecture in present network environments .

    本文定义了 TNC架构的基本元素,介绍了TNC与现有网络标准和设备的关系,并研究了如何在现有网络环境下应用TNC架构的问题。

  • For many months the TNC has been working with the international community to prepare for a post-Qaddafi Libya .

    数月来,全国 过渡 委员会一直在与国际社会合作,为后卡扎菲时代的利比亚作准备。

  • In addition the negotiation between nation and TNC adds new content to the traditional diplomacy of state .

    而国家与 跨国 公司的谈判也给传统的国家外交增添了新的内容。

  • Enterprise Strategies the Host Country Market and Institutional with Technology Transfer by TNC

    企业战略、东道国市场、制度与 跨国 公司技术转移&基于 日本企业的 问卷 调查

  • He says the TNC would like to see support moving even into areas under the control of Moammar Gadhafi 's forces so the needs of those people can also be met .

    贾布里勒说, 全国 过渡 委员会希望看到就连卡扎菲的武装控制的地区也能获得一些帮助,以便满足那里的人们的需求。

  • They said one option would be to let the TNC borrow against the sum until direct transfers can be authorized by among others the United Nations sanctions committee .

    他们表示,其中的一个选择是,将允许 利比亚 全国 过渡委员会从这些款项中 借支一部分资金,直到直接转帐被包括联合国制裁委员会在内的有关方面授权为止。

  • An international trial was initially welcomed by the rebel council and by TNC allies as a way to avoid acts of revenge .

    国家 过渡委员会和 其它联盟组织起初欢迎国际法庭对他的审判,以避免报复性行动。

  • TNC is based on the concept of integrity and authentication .

    TNC是基于完整性和认证性 双重概念开发的。

  • She suggests that TNC could be given to babies before breastfeeding to provide additional protection against HIV .

    她表示 TNC可以在母乳之前喂给婴儿,从而提供抵抗HIV病毒的额外保护。

  • TNC is the main indicator for the quality of cord blood collected .

    细胞 是衡量脐带血采集质量的主要指标。

  • The second section analyses the mutual relation between TNC and nation in theory .

    第二章则从理论上分析了 跨国 公司与民族国家的相互关系。