to a turn

[tu e tɚn][tu: ə tə:n]


  • Taking the bus in Japan and want to avoid annoying fellow passengers ? Keep conversation to a whisper turn down your iPod and put your cellphone on vibration mode a recent survey by the bus association showed .

    日本公交协会日前开展的一项调查显示,在日本乘坐公交时如果不想惹恼同车的乘客,那么说话时 尽量小声, iPod音量调小,并把手机调成振动模式。

  • If we saw the tires turn we would know what the driver was about to do regardless of whether he had the courtesy to use a turn signal .

    如果我们看到轮胎转起来,我们就都知道这辆车接下来要做什么了,无论司机是否礼貌 转向灯。

  • ' Pardon O King cried the little Mouse : ' forgive me this time I shall never forget it : who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days ?

    ¨饶了我吧,¨小老鼠哀求道,¨原谅我这一次,我将永远不会忘记你的 大恩大德,说不定哪天我能报答你呢?

  • This roast hen is done to a turn .

    这鸡烤得正 火候

  • If you want to make a left turn you have to turn the steering wheel to the left .

    如果 左转,则必须向左转动方向盘。

  • Herodotus innovated boldly sublimated the concept of history created the historical narrative style dealt with the relation between literature and history to a turn and had some beneficial attempt on the other aspects .

    希罗多德在史学领域大胆创新,提升历史的概念,创立历史叙述体,恰到好处地处理文史关系,并在其他方面 进行了有益的探索和尝试。

  • Thinking and analysis : Architects must be able to take a vaguely expressed concept and turn it into a project artifact that can be appreciated by the interested parties .

    抽象思维和分析:架构师必须 能够理解表述模糊的概念并 其变成相关各方能够理解的项目构件。

  • If you find yourself saying any of the following its time to take a day off and turn off the computer and all of your notifications and get away .

    如果你发现自己也有下面这些情况,说明你有必要 关掉电脑、丢开报告、花 天时间 好好休息一下了。

  • The venison was roasted to a turn & and everybody said they never saw so fat a haunch .

    鹿肉烧 恰到好处,大家都说,从来没有见过这么肥的腰肉。

  • Follow the road to a junction and turn left

    沿着这条路 交叉路口, 然后左转。

  • The first thing you do is make an Ajax call to a proxy which in turn calls the eBay Daily Deals REST API .

    您首先调用 代理,该代理 调用eBayDailyDealsRESTAPI。

  • Hurrying my11-year-old daughter to school I made a right turn at a red light where it was prohibited .

    我开车赶着把我11岁的女儿 送往学校,在 个不允许右 转弯的红灯处驾车右转弯。

  • The market is starting to make a turn for the positive said Mike DiGiovanni GM sales analyst .

    市场已“开始 好转”,通用汽车销售分析师 迈克迪乔瓦尼(mikedigiovanni)表示。

  • I should be glad to take a turn in it if you will favour me with your company .

    想到那儿 逛逛,可否请你陪我

  • It can be very tempting to believe you can take someone who you like – to a point – and turn him into the man of your dreams .

    很容易相信你可以 点点改变你喜欢的人&从而 他变成你的梦中情人。

  • When you suspect that a conversation is starting to take a turn for the negative be a champion of positivity by changing the subject .

    当你怀疑一场对话即将 开始 讨论负面话题,改变这个话题,赢得正能量。

  • One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who in turn confided in a reporter .

    手术小组的一名成员把这个消息泄露 了在一起工作的 内科医生, 后者 透露给了一位记者。

  • You may want to make a conscious effort to turn your phone and computer off for a certain amount of time each day .

    也许你需要每天 意识地 手机和电脑处于一段时间的关闭状态。

  • Hurrying my11-year old daughter to school I made a right turn at a red light when it was prohibited .

    匆忙送我11岁的女儿 学校,红灯亮起禁止前进的时候我向右 转弯

  • If logs are needed to troubleshoot a problem you can turn up logging as needed .

    如果需要使用日志 排除问题,那么可以按需 启用日志记录。

  • My first advice to the beginner in the study of law has always been to buy a good law dictionary and turn to it constantly .

    我给初学法律者的第一个忠告就是买 好的法律词典,经常 参阅它。

  • It said the band was an element in Mr. Kim 's ' grandiose plan to bring about a dramatic turn in the field of literature and arts this year in which a new century of Juche Korea begins . '

    朝鲜国家媒体说,牡丹峰乐队是金正恩宏大计划的组成部分。这一计划 在朝鲜主体思想新纪元开始的今年给朝鲜的文学和艺术领域带来重大 转变

  • I have to make a big turn to park my car in the parking lot .


  • That 's why Senators Clinton and Obama have to be careful not to let a healthy debate turn into the kind of hostility that the news media love .

    这就是参议员希拉里-克林顿和奥巴马在这个问题上小心翼翼的原因所在,生怕把 正常的辩论 转变成相互的敌对,而这正是媒界的乐于得见的一幕。

  • Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government .

    巴黎出租车司机们正威胁阻塞交通以对政府 进一步 施压

  • Most schools require students to complete a life experience application and turn in a portfolio of their work .

    大部分学校都学生 要求填写 生活履历表,并上 工作成就的档案。

  • A child who becomes part of our soci-ety might have to wait a century before his turn in the cycle arrives when he can become a changeling and reenter the human world .

    成为我们中间一分子的那个孩子,或许 等上 世纪才能 轮到他换生,并再次进入人类世界。

  • Hung-chien said Li Mei-t'ing has no meat on him but you look fair and plump . I 'll roast you to a turn dip you in sweet sauce sprinkle on some salt -

    鸿渐道:李梅亭没有肉呀,我看你 白又胖,烤得火工 ,蘸甜面酱、椒盐

  • He is ready to do a good turn for anyone .

    乐于为任何人做 好事

  • Add in cream salt pepper Spanish paprika and fennel seeds stir till cream comes to a boil then turn heat off .

    加入忌廉、海盐、胡椒、西班牙辣椒粉及茴香籽,把 忌廉不断搅拌 煮滚。