to a crumb

[tu e krʌm][tu: ə krʌm]


  • In such cases the proteins added to the dough increase its water binding capacity and provide a juicy crumb .

    在这种情况下, 面团中添加的这些蛋白质就可提高面团结合水的能力而且可使 面包汁液 较多

  • The police suddenly examined the house to a crumb but found nothing valuable for their search .

    警察突然仔细地搜查了这栋房子,但没有 什么重要的东西。

  • When he had slowed to twenty and stretched his wings again at last the boat was a crumb on the sea four thousand feet below .

    后来他把速度一直放慢 二十英里,最后展开双翅,四千英尺下面的渔船已经 变成 漂在海面上的一 面包 了。