to a tee

[tu e ti][tu: ə ti:]


  • One for obstruction to left atrial out flow caused by a redundant baffle and one for a undersed Fontan fenestration - This study demonstrates that TEE is an important diagnostic and monitoring technique during and after Fontan procedure in small children .

    1例为过长的隔引起左房流出道阻塞,另1例为房间隔小孔过小。本文表明 食管 超声 心动 TEE)是小儿Fontan术中、术后的重要诊断与监视技术。

  • Simon Dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes screwed up .

    西蒙· 迪达勒斯把眼角那么 吊,学他学得可像哩。

  • Thank you said a smiling Obama clad in brown slacks and a black shirt to a cheering crowd as he stepped up to the tee to fire off his opening drive .

    奥巴马身着棕色休闲裤和黑色T恤衫。在 前往 发球 击出 第一 之前,奥巴马微笑着 欢呼的人群说:“谢谢”。

  • Describes a J shaped stack developed to meet the requirement of smoke emission standard of oil fired boilers which consists of a slope tee a straight pipe an expansion joint an explosion flap a rain drain pipe and a down pipe .

    满足燃油锅炉的烟气排放要求,设计了J型烟囱,它由斜 、直管、膨胀节、防爆门、雨漏、落水管等组成;

  • The perforation was due to inadvertent injury of the esophagus that was deformed and distorted by a large calcified lymph node in the mediastinum during intraoperative TEE instrumentation .

    其发生的主要原因是病人纵膈腔中 大钙化淋巴结,且手术中使用经 食道超音波造成食道被扭曲压迫所导致。

  • With all this planning done when the next day comes all I have to do is to follow the schedule to a tee .

    当计划完成的时候,当下一天 的时候,我会 精确 跟随时间表。

  • At this point the change to the pipeline setup is simple enough : A call to add a probe to one of the output pads of the tee filter .

    现在,对管道设置的更改就再简单不过了: 需一次调用,将探测器添加到 tee过滤器的一个输出pad中。

  • Believing his ball might be lost outside a water hazard the player announces his intention to play a provisional ball and plays a ball from the tee .

    球员相信他的球可能丢在水障碍之外了,球员宣布他 临时球,随后他从 发球 了一个球。

  • The description fits us to a tee

    这样的描述 适合我们 不过

  • To replace a segment of canine cervical esophagus with TEE .

    组织 工程食管移植替代犬部分颈段 食管

  • Certainly the timing fits to a tee and as stated here regularly in the past : if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it surely is not a peacock .

    确实,时机正合适,正如我们一直在这唠叨的:如果某只秒走起来向鸭子,叫起来 嘎嘎的,那么它肯定不是只孔雀。

  • At the time I bought all the popular guides in them and followed them down to a tee .


  • To have a better approaching angle make sure your tee shot keep left .

    发球 靠左 可以 更清楚的攻果岭角度。

  • Well I think the researchers have also been camped outside my house for the last couple of weeks coz'that 's meat down to a tee .

    喔,我想研究者们前两周可能就 驻扎在我房子外面 我进行研究了,因为总结的非常正确。

  • It 's Saturday afternoon and you would love to play a few rounds of golf but fret that you might not get enough tee time at the closest public links .

    星期六下午,你 打几轮高尔夫球,但又担心到最近的公共高尔夫球场去, 打球的时间可能不够。

  • Do we need to reserve a tee time ?

    我们需要 球场 预约时间吗?

  • You made this dress to a tee ! It 's perfect !

    你做的这件衣服和 样子太像了,完美极了。

  • Presents the application of network method to analyse the hydraulic characteristics of looped ducts in the VAV system and builds up a tee branch incidence matrix to calculate the local resistance factor of tee branch duct .

    提出了利用网络法计算求解变风量系统中环状风道的水力特性,构造 关联矩阵,以解决模拟计算中三通局部阻力系数的计算问题。