tinea cruris



  • Observation on Therapeutic Effect of Sertaconazole Nitrate Ointment in Treating Tinea Corporis and Tinea Cruris

    硝酸舍他康唑软膏治疗体 股癣疗效观察

  • Econazole compound cream vs miconazole cream in treating tinea corporis cruris

    复方益康唑乳膏与咪康唑乳膏治疗体 股癣 疗效比较

  • The clinical effective rate for tinea corporis & cruris at week 4 was 98.21 in the trial group and 92.73 in control group ; and 100 versus 98.18 at week 6 respectively .

    体、 股癣在4周时,临床有效率试验组98.21%,对照组92.73%,在6周时分别为100%和98.18%;

  • A double blind randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial of butenafine hydrochloride gelin the treatment of tinea pedis corporis and cruris

    盐酸布替萘芬凝胶治疗 足癣、体 股癣随机双盲、平行对照、多中心临床试验

  • Conclusion This study suggest that sertaconazole 2 % cream were safe and effective in the treatment of tinea pedis and tinea corporis and cruris .

    结论2%硝酸舍他康唑霜治疗足癣和体 股癣均安全有效。

  • Safety and clinical efficacy of naftifine and ketoconazole cream in treatment of tinea corporis and tinea cruris

    萘替芬酮康唑乳膏治疗体 股癣的安全性和疗效

  • Bifonazole - Co Cream in the Treatment of Tinea Cruris and Tinea Corporis : A Randomized Double-blind Vehicle-controlled Clinical Trial

    复方联苯苄唑乳膏治疗体 股癣随机双盲对照临床试验

  • Methods Butenafine hydrochloride cream was applied to the affected area once a day for 4 weeks for patients with tinea pedis and 2 weeks for patients with tinea corporis and cruris . Clinical symptoms were observed and fungal culture was done .

    方法盐酸布替萘芬乳膏 患处,每日1次。 疗程股癣为2周,手足癣为4周,记录临床症状,并做真菌培养。

  • After 3 weeks the obvious improvement rates of itraconazole were 88.9 % for treating tinea manus and tinea pedis 96.7 % for tinea corporis and tinea cruris . The total obvious improvement rate and the eliminate rate of dermatophyte were 92.4 % and 95.5 % respectively .

    3周后的痊愈率和显效率分别为88.9%和96.7%,总显效率为 92.4%,真菌清除率为 95.5%

  • Clinic Observation Of Tinea Circinata And Cruris By Carvacrol

    外用香芹酚 治疗 体癣 股癣临床观察

  • Therapy for 865 cases of tinea corporis & tinea cruris with miconazole nitrate cream

    硝酸咪康唑霜治疗体 股癣865例

  • The two creams were administered twice daily with the same dose and duration of treatment 1 week for tinea corporis / cruris and pityriasis versicolor 2 weeks for tinea manum / pedis and cutaneous candidosis .

    两种药物的用药剂量和疗程相同,外涂患处,每日2次,体 股癣、花斑癣疗程1周, 手足癣和皮肤念珠菌病疗程2周。

  • Methods All the 160 patients with superficial mycoses ( 18 with tinea manum 74 with tinea pedis 47 with tinea cruris 21 with tinea corporis ) were divided into Group A and Group B at random .

    方法将160例浅部真菌病患者(手癣18例,足癣74例, 股癣47例,体癣21例)随机分为A,B两组。

  • To treat 865 patients suffered from tinea corporis tinea cruris with miconazole nitrate cream for 21 days 736 cases ( 85.1 % ) of all patients are cured 126 cases ( 14.6 % ) effective 3 cases ( 0.3 % ) of no effect .

    865例体癣和 股癣患者用硝酸咪康唑霜治疗21天,痊愈736例(85.1%),有效126例(14.6%),无效3例(0.3%),总有效率99.7%。

  • Randomized investigator-masked controlled multicenter clinical trial of 0.25 % amorolfine hydrochloride cream in the treatment of tinea corporis and cruris and tinea pedis

    0.25%盐酸阿莫罗芬霜治疗体 股癣和足癣随机单盲对照多中心临床试验

  • AIM : To compare the efficacy and safety of econazole compound cream and miconazole cream in the treatment of tinea corporis cruris .

    目的:比较复方益康唑乳膏和咪康唑乳膏治疗体 股癣的疗效和安全性。

  • Evaluation of efficacy and safety of 2 Sertaconazole nitrate cream in the treatment of tinea corporis & cruris and tinea pedis

    2%硝酸舍他康唑乳膏治疗体 股癣和足癣疗效和安全性评价

  • Analysis of isolates from 136 patients with tinea cruris

    136例 股癣 发病 情况 菌种分析

  • Isolation of dermatophytes from toe webs in patients with tinea cruris

    股癣患者致病菌与足趾间分离皮肤癣菌的 同源分析

  • The improvement of itching and total clinical score of trial group for tinea corporis & cruris were superior to control group ( P < 0.05 ) at 1 weeks ;

    试验组对体 股癣,在第1周时瘙痒症状的改善和临床的综合改善优于对照组(P<0.05);

  • A Randomized Double-Blind Multi-Center Clinical Trial with Butenafine Hydrochloride 1 % Aerosol Versus Bifonazole 1 % Aerosol for the Treatment of Tinea Pedis Tinea Corporis or Tinea Cruris

    1%盐酸布替萘芬喷雾剂与1%联苯苄唑喷雾剂治疗体 股癣 足癣的多中心随机、双盲对照研究

  • The risk factors of tinea corporis and tinea cruris can be overweight male smoking sweats diabetes tinea manus and pedis etc.

    体型 胖、男性、吸烟、多汗及患有糖尿病、手足癣等可能是体 股癣的易感因素。

  • Results The total efficacy rates were 96 % for eczema 100 % for eczematous dermatitis 97 % for contact dermatitis 92 % for folliculitis 96 % for tinea manuum or tinea pedis 97 % for tinea corporis or tinea cruris .

    结果治疗总有效率分别为湿疹96%,湿疹样皮炎100%,接触性皮炎97%,毛囊炎92%,手、足癣96%,体、 股癣97%。

  • Double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial of butenafine hydrochloride 1 % cream in the treatment of tinea corporis and cruris and tinea pedis

    1%盐酸布替萘芬软膏治疗体 股癣和足癣随机双盲临床试验

  • Treatment of tinea corporis and tinea cruris with exalamide cream & a clinical effect analysis of 30 cases

    癣净霜治疗体、 股癣30例临床疗效分析

  • The incidence rate of administrative staffs of companies was also high ( 39.52 % ) followed by tinea corporis ( 22.38 % ) and tinea cruris ( 20.40 % ) .

    企业行政职员足癣患病率也较高(39.52%),其次是体癣(22.38%)和 股癣(20.40%)。

  • The patients with tinea corporis cruris or versicolor were treated for 1 wk . A Case of Adults Kerion with Tinea Corporis Caused by Trichophyton Mentagrophytes

    体、 股癣,花斑癣治疗1wk;须癣毛癣菌致成人脓癣及体癣1例

  • Therapeutic observation on the efficacy of lamisil on 130 patients with tinea cruris

    兰美抒治疗 股癣130例疗效观察

  • There is an idea that superficial mycoses can be a source of infection for tinea cruris but the studies on the level of molecular biology are rarely seen .

    有观点认为 足癣 甲真菌病等浅部真菌病可作为传染源 引起 股癣,但从分子生物学水平进行分析的报道较少。