to hang in the air

[tu hæŋ ɪn ði er][tu: hæŋ in ðə eə(r)]


  • The huge bird seemed to hang in the air borne by the wind currents soaring with scarcely a beat of its huge powerful wings .

    大鸟 好像被气流 浮着 悬停 空中,不怎么扇动它那对巨大而有力的翅膀就能 空中翱翔。

  • People 's cigarette smoke seemed to hang in the air .

    人们吸烟的烟雾 似乎 会长 时间 滞留 空气中。

  • My first job is to hang some rugs outside in the air .

    我的第一项任务就是 毯子 些到外面去

  • Strangely in slow motion replay the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer . - DAVID ACFIELD .

    很奇怪,在慢动作回放 ,足球 好像 空中 停留 时间更长了。

  • East to the place I jog is apple orchard small green apples thickly hang along the tree branches emitting a fresh apple flavor in the air .

    东边是一片苹果园,绿绿的小苹果 满树枝, 空气 飘荡着一种清鲜的青涩苹果香味。

  • This machine is applicable to the sheepskin pigskin leather after system dye of hang to dry in the air dry still be applicable to the vacuum dry empress of regulate the aridity .

    本机适用 牛皮、猪皮、羊皮经鞣制。染色后的 干燥、还适用于真空干燥后的调节干燥。

  • I will continue to hang those images of my paintings in the air reinforcing the feeling of obscurity and helplessness .

    我会 继续 画中 那些形象 空中,强化一种自我经验的荒诞无助的境地。