to zero in on...


  • That should help you to zero in on statements that are likely to provide a good return on your investment of performance-tuning time .

    这些信息应该有助 寻找可能产生良好的性能调优效果的语句。

  • Because this facility can provide a large amount of data you can control the level of trace in order to zero in on the information that you want .

    因为这个工具可以提供大量数据,所以可以控制跟踪的级别,只获取 需要的信息。

  • The threading dislocation density is reduced to almost zero in the area on mask .

    SiO2掩膜区生长的GaN,其腐蚀坑密度(相当 穿透位错密度)减少 几乎

  • It 's a good idea to zero in on what the two of you have in common and make conversation based on those similarities .

    确认你们两个的共同之处,并且以其 基础进行 交谈是个好主意。

  • Hurtle to press to model of zero parts in addition to surface handle do not need to carry on again generally other process .

    冲压成型的 、部件, 表面处理外,一般不需要再进行其他加工。

  • Of course that 's all pretty boring so it 's much more common to see data binding packages that zero in on both a format medium and a programming language .

    当然这些都非常麻烦,因此更常见的 针对一种格式媒介和一种编程语言的数据绑定程序包。

  • But this study furthers our understanding of how the human brain is able to zero in on the specific sounds it wants and process them .

    总之,这个 研究表明了人类 如何可以 确定专门的(也就是自己想要听到的)声音,并且处理这些声音信号。

  • Once you have identified suspicious traffic you can then start to add specifications on the command line to zero in on the detail of the traffic .

    一旦您识别出了可疑流量,您就可以开始在命令行 添加参数 以便 关注 流量细节。

  • The markets have failed to zero in on this problem he writes because of all the other squeaky wheels in the global economy & but sooner or later latch on they will .

    吴写到,由于全球经济中其他吱吱作响的齿轮,市场 未能 集中 关注这个问题&但迟早,他们会意识到这一点。

  • The requirement that your turns sum to zero is necessary to keep you from getting caught in certain loops such as one shaped like a capital G ( try it out on paper to see what I mean ) .

    转身数的总和 必须 ,这是为了避免陷入某些环路,比如大写字母G形状的环路( 纸上试着走一下这个形状,就会明白我的意思)。

  • So needless to say I had a new zero we had30 employees I was the youngest employee in fact CEO as the CEO at the corner office on this nice big office building looking at the Bushire Boulevard .

    不用说,我已经意识到了问题,我们有30名员工, 实际上我是年龄最小的,我是公司的,我的办公室在 这栋华丽的办公楼最里面的一间,工作环境极其舒适。

  • After a cut to zero in the deposit rate the ECB pays the banks on July 5 the central bank expected the banks to increase loans . Instead they appear to be sitting on the funds .

    7月5 欧洲央行将支付给银行的存款利率下调 ,旨在鼓励银行增加贷款,但银行似乎按兵不动。

  • How to say zero in English is very important to avoid misunderstandings especially on the telephone or in video conferences .

    学会 如何 英文说 0对于消除误解是非常重要的,尤其是打电话和视频会议的时候。

  • If you wish to zero in on a particularly weak station however you must resort to a little math to alter the length of the crossbar .

    如果您希望 捕捉 一个特别微弱的电台,那么您必须进行一些简单的计算修改横担的长度。

  • Conclusion It is a new approach to look for zero in building the cerebral coordinate system and establish the new coordinate system on computer .

    结论 计算机 寻找坐标 原点,构建新的坐标系, 大脑坐标系构建提供了一种新的方法和研究手段。

  • China should say no to the zero tariff policy on the one hand and should try to establish its predominance in the trade via the net on the other hand .

    中国一方面应该 关税政策说不, 一方面应尽快确立其 网络贸易中的优势地位。

  • The morning amounted to zero in the afternoon they had sold sixteen dollars and eighty-five cents worth of merchandise eight dollars of it being on credit .

    上午 等于 ,下午卖了十六元八角五分,八块钱是 赊账

  • The Federal Reserve cut short-term interest rates in effect to zero in December then embarked on quantitative easing in March by buying bonds with newly printed money .

    去年十二月美联储已将短期利率削减 ,随后 今年三月份实施“定量宽松”政策,用新印制的纸币购买债券。

  • I will also cover governor-specific settings and administration schedulers to help you zero in on the right tools for your usage .

    我还将讨论特定 调控器的设置和管理调度程序, 以便帮助您 确定最合适的工具。

  • We aim to have zero defect and achieve good brand . We 'd like to be in good cooperation with domestic and foreign customers on a footing of equality and mutual benefit and common progress .

    缺陷,创品牌”是我公司的宗旨,我们希望 平等互利、共同发展的基础 与国内外客商建立合作关系。

  • This article looked at the basic methods to get baseline information and then the different tools that can be used to zero in on the issue .

    本文讨论了获得基线信息的基本方法,然后介绍了 用来 识别问题的一些工具。

  • But with interest rates at or close to zero per cent in most of the developed world offering attractive rates on savings accounts will prove expensive .

    但随着大多数发达地区的利率已 接近甚或达到了 水平,银行如果提供有吸引力的存款利率,将代价不菲。

  • Time to observe would let you zero in on the most appropriate name for your child 's personality and behavior patterns .

    时间观察,将让你 最适当的名称为您的孩子的人格和行为模式。

  • Sitting among the optimistic yellows of the Oval Office the president is quick to zero in on what has caused so many in his party to reject his efforts .

    坐在椭圆办公室里,周围都是乐观的 黄种人,总统迅速 为何党内广泛反对他的改革成绩进行辩解。

  • Data received will be sent to CPU after magnifying and A / D switching . Then current measured values are calculated in accordance with zero point & scale set in the devices and sent to decoder which turns on numeral tubes through driving circuit .

    送来的信号经放大、A/D转换、 进入CPU处理单元,再根据仪表 设置的 零点和量程等参数运算,计算出当前测量值,送至译码器,经驱动电路,点亮数码管。

  • To zero in on the content I first applied the MySQL filter to the output .

    为了 专注 内容,我首先对输出应用了MySQL过滤。

  • Well in Zero the OO Java world gets promoted to the system level and on top is scripting languages .

    嗯, Zero中,OO的Java世界被提升 系统级别,其顶端则是脚本语言。