to oneself

[tu wʌnˈsɛlf][tu: wʌnˈself]


  • Keeping fit is an obligation not only to oneself but also to the society .

    保持健康,这是 自己的义务,甚至也是对社会的义务。

  • We do not mean by leisure having time to oneself though that is also necessary ;

    我们所说的悠闲,并不是指一 个人自己的时间,尽管那也是必要的。

  • Excessively of devote one 's mind by one 's own concentrate the attention to oneself 's body only ;

    过分的自我专注,把注意力仅仅集中 自己 上;

  • And gentleness to oneself is queen .

    温柔 则是皇后。

  • BE having the understanding of exactitude to business English in the meantime also want to oneself the do of circumstance be an analysis .

    在对商务英语有了正确的认识同时,也要 自己情况的做一个分析。

  • Tears why always don 't listen to oneself of why time always can 't let the person forget .

    为什么眼泪总是 不听 自己的,为什么时间总是无法让人忘记。

  • Said to oneself refuels ! That feared that the world suspects itself so long as I believed that I can !


  • Kant distinguishes between duties to oneself and duties to others .

    康德区分出 自己和他人的责任。

  • When one says to oneself that one must be honest is that possible ?

    如果一个人 自己说必须要诚实,那诚实是可能的吗?

  • This is the demand that the times expands also be the demand that innovates to oneself job .

    这是时代发展的要求,也是 自身工作创新的需求。

  • It 's good to have the children to oneself sometimes .

    有时 自己个人跟孩子们相处很有意思。

  • The only guarantee of having a cabin to oneself is by travelling first class

    只有坐头等舱旅行 才能保证一 个人独享一舱。

  • To oneself said the sound sorry these years have not learned to love oneself .


  • Everyone has a hero which belongs to oneself and in one 's heart .

    每个人都有一个英雄,一个 属于自己,在他心中的英雄。

  • Because the destination that she knows to you want to achieve to oneself is very serious .

    因为,她知道你 自己要达到的目的是很认真的。

  • I silently say to oneself : I can do !

    我悄悄 自己说:我能行!

  • And that to live according to oneself is to sin and to sin is to lose God * .

    自己 意志生活即是犯罪,犯罪便是失去上帝。

  • It 's possible to have the place to oneself if it 's early .

    如果早的话有可能 用这个地方。

  • Teacher prefer to oneself again bitterness again tired also want help those have difficulty of classmate .

    教师,宁愿 自己再苦再累,也要帮助那些有困难的同学。

  • Has lost as if all of a sudden to oneself future direction .

    仿佛一下子失去了 自己未来的方向。

  • Sometimes karma is benign and so the dream called to oneself has little effect upon the day 's events .

    有时候业力是良性的,因此召唤 上的梦想对日常活动几乎没有什么影响。

  • To work one must have time to oneself .

    一个人要工作就必须有 属于 自己的时间。

  • You may feel I am peacockish person harbor somewhat to oneself words and deeds .

    你可能觉得我是个“虚荣”的人, 自己的言行有所包庇。

  • The thing which strong was I says most words to oneself the sentiment was I before that day most takes seriously but the present my anything does not have !

    坚强是我 自己说得最多的一个词,情是我那天以前最重视的东西,但是现在,我什么都没有!

  • While the Honor Code is used to keep it to oneself .

    而荣誉代码是用来维持 自己的荣誉。

  • When one dines in a restaurant one likes a table to oneself .

    人们在饭馆吃饭时,喜欢 独占一张桌子。

  • Always say to oneself : Need time to go out of the puzzlement of this emotion slowly .

    总是 自己说:需要时间才能慢慢走出这份感情的困扰。

  • Giving yourself more confidence or making love to oneself .

    给自己带来更多信心,更爱 自己

  • The most pitiful and agonising thing is not being true to oneself .

    忠于 自己的人;是世上最可怜和最痛苦的。