



  • The main reason is that there is to-and-fro blood flow in the coronary arteries as well as in the legs and the carotid arteries two other regions prone to blockages .

    主要原因是冠脉内的血流是 往返 运动的,类似于下肢和颈动脉,这两处也容易堵塞。

  • The machine through mechanical transmission the machine makes material in two asymmetry V shape cylinders to turn over to-and-fro . The purpose of uniform can be got .

    该机通过机械传动,使两个不对称的v型圆柱体内的 物料 往复 翻动,达到均匀 混合之目的。

  • A novel uniform heating method by impinging jet moving to-and-fro along the width of a heating object was proposed in this paper . By this method isothermal characteristics of the heating object were promoted .

    本文提出了喷嘴沿被加热物体宽度 方向 往复移动式射流冲击加热方法,该加热方法可提高被加热物体的等温性。

  • Based on the mathematical model of a linear motor an adaptive fuzzy PID algorithm is used for the control of its to-and-fro motion and the related parameters affecting the motor dynamic performances are analyzed .

    在建立直线电机基本数学模型的基础上,采用自适应模糊PID算法对 直线电机 往复运动进行控制,对影响其动态性能的参数进行了分析;

  • This is just a constant to-and-fro of the crowds moving towards the police some of them prepared with petrol bombs many of them holding rocks and throwing them at the police .

    人群不停 来来 往往,向警察迈进,有的人准备了汽油弹,也有人手持石头投向警察。

  • The alternating emergence of the two forms made the Daling River estuary present a to-and-fro movement since Ming Dynasty .

    两种变迁模式的交替作用使明代以来大凌河口呈现 往复摆动的变迁特征。

  • Secondly the NC interpolation algorithms of the special curve which is formed by the rotational motion of crankshaft and to-and-fro motion of grinding wheel in the grinding of crankpin and a corresponding controlling strategy of interpolation are studied .

    其次针对切点 跟踪磨削运动时曲轴旋转与砂轮 往复 直线 跟踪 运动 联动所形成的特殊曲线的数控插补,研究了专门的插补算法及相应的控制策略;

  • There is far less to-and-fro movement between the different groups than happened under capitalism or even in the pre-industrial age .

    在不同集团之间,流动性远远不如 资本主义制度或者前工业时代那么大。

  • These methods cover to-and-fro feed movement andintermittent movement .

    这些加工方法涉及到 往复进给运动、间歇分度运动等。

  • ACA spent the next six weeks in to-and-fro discussions with Paulson brokered by Goldman finalising a list of 90 underlying investments for the CDO .

    接下来6周, aca在高盛撮合下,与保尔森 反复进行讨论,最终敲定了构建cdo的90只基础抵押贷款投资。

  • A printing and packing mechanism factory wanted to refit the paper delivery system of the mould-cutting machine from the cable manual delivery to the push pedal to-and-fro delivery .

    模切机是 印后包装加工成型的重要设备,其送纸机构的工作效率及精度对整个机构有很大的 影响

  • A to-and-fro wear test apparatus was devised to investigate the tribological properties of fresh swine thighbones under various lubrication conditions .

    自行设计了一种 往复 运动的摩擦磨损试验机,在该试验机上对新鲜猪股骨在不同润滑方式下的摩擦学特性进行了研究。

  • How understanding is possible ? The outspreading process of understanding is the to-and-fro qf the hermeneutic circle .

    理解何以可能?理解的展开就是解释学循环的 往复

  • In allusion to satisfy the complexity and to-and-fro of aerocraft shape design the paper issues a shape design .

    针对飞行器外形设计的复杂性、 往复性特点,提出了 基于 知识的飞行器外形设计系统 体系 结构

  • The to-and-fro movement of the boat made me feel ill .

    左右 摇摆使我感到不舒服。

  • The master implements feeding by vibration lifting-dropping and to-and-fro swaying of the claw turnplate and polarity testing rotating eliminating etc and which also connects with the upper-level computer by the PC adapter .

    主站实现振动上料、爪盘升降和 往复摆动、二极管极性检测、转向、剔除废料等功能,并通过PC适配器与上位机相连。

  • The teacher walked to-and-fro in front of the class as he spoke .

    老师一边说话 一边在教室前面 来来 回回的走动。

  • Then the deburring mechanism of AFM was analyzed . The effects of deburring of single direction process and to-and-fro process were discussed .

    分析了去毛刺机理,讨论了单向加工和 双向 往复加工的去毛刺效果。

  • The Research of To-and-fro Guiding - yarn System of Twisting - machine

    捻线机 成形 往复导纱系统的研究

  • Special designed drive outfit and PLC are adopted to control object moving to-and-fro and rotating at prearranged positions .

    采用特殊设计的传动机构结合PLC控制物体 直线 往复 运动和在预定位置 自转运动。

  • The experimental results proved that this stage can run stably to-and-fro .

    实验结果表明,该平台能够实现平稳 往复 运动

  • An Optimal Design Method Based on GA for the to-and-fro Piston Style Air Compressor

    基于遗传算法的 往复活塞式空气压缩机结构优化设计方法

  • ? In this study we used senescence accelerated dementia mouse SAM-P / 8 and the normal aging control mouse SAM-R / 1 to investigate the age-related changes of behavior with aging degree scores cross overhead labyrinth test 、 activity ability test 、 to-and-fro test .

    应用快速老化痴呆模型小鼠SAM-P/8和正常老化对照小鼠SAM-R/1,从十字高架迷路实验、活动度实验、 穿梭箱实验及老化度评分等方面观察其行为学的增龄性变化。

  • Mixture copaiba The rubber mixing system adopt the strip shaker with international static state to-and-fro technology and the imported ix mandrill .

    混胶系统采用国际流行的静态 往复带式混合器、进口混合芯棒。

  • When reserve officers participate in military training or carry out military duties food allowances shall be provided and their to-and-fro traveling expenses reimbursed in accordance with the regulations of the State .

    以义卖 捐赠补助经费。预备役军官参加军事训练、行军事勤务按照国家规定给予伙食补助,报销 往返差旅费。