to the teeth

[tu ði tiθ][tu: ðə ti:θ]


  • As vinegar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes so is the sluggard to them that sent him .

    懒汉之于派遣他的人,就如醋之 ,烟之于目。

  • All in soiled sailor clothes and all but me armed to the teeth .

    我们一个都穿着沾满泥土的水手服,除了我之外,他们全都武装 牙齿

  • The paratroops were armed to the teeth .

    这些空降部队装备 精良

  • Both sides were armed to the teeth .

    双方都 全副武装。

  • The tourists stepped out of the coach armed to the teeth with cameras binoculars and guidebooks .

    旅客们从旅游车里出来, 人人都带着照相机、望远镜,还有导游书。

  • Conclusions : If the direction of the retention pin is paralled to the teeth axis the stronger the shearing force the less the moment of a rotation force .

    结论:固位钉的方向 长轴一致时,剪切力较大,旋转力矩最小有利固位。

  • So the warden assigned two policemen armed to the teeth and accompanied him to see his son .

    于是,监狱长派了两名 全副武装的警察护送他去见他的儿子。

  • So Juliet took her Romeo to court armed to the teeth with their private documents .

    所以“朱丽叶”就将他的“罗密欧”告上法庭, 为了他们的私人协议而 唇枪舌剑

  • Well I guess that Libya had to do something as NATO was arming the Rebels to the teeth with American French and English arms .

    嗯,我想这利比亚必须做些事,正如北约用美国、法国和英国的武器将反叛分子武装 牙齿

  • Three inches tall and armed to the teeth a fine soldier he made .

    三英寸高,武装 牙齿,他是一个好士兵。

  • The students went into the examination room armed to the teeth with pens pencils rulers computers and so on .

    同学们带着钢笔,铅笔,尺子,计算器走进考场,他们个个装备 齐全

  • The negotiators came to the conference table armed to the teeth with statistics on cash-flow analyses .

    谈判人员来到会谈桌旁, 上放满了各种有关现金流转分析的统计资料。

  • The robbers were armed to the teeth when they robbed the bank .

    劫匪们抢银行的时候是 全副武装

  • Almost twice as many soldiers as Britain has in Afghanistan a helicopter carrier and special forces units armed to the teeth will make the city look like it 's under siege .

    英国调用了其阿富汗派遣部队两倍之多的士兵作为安保人员,派出一艘直升机航母,还启用了 全副武装的特种部队 将令伦敦看起来像是处于围困之中。

  • Pulse electrochemical finishing ( PECF ) was applied to the teeth surface finishing and a new finishing process for teeth surface was developed .

    将脉冲电化学加工原理应用 齿轮 齿面光整加工,建立了移动式成形阴极脉冲电化学齿面光整加工实验装置;

  • He also said lax U.S.gun laws and poor enforcement of them has armed Mexican drug cartels to the teeth .

    他也说他们的 涣散的美国枪支法和糟糕的执行力完全(已经)武装墨西哥毒品组织。

  • The combined fleet is armed to the teeth .

    这支 联合舰队 全副武装。

  • David quit tennis because he was fed to the teeth with practice .

    大卫不再练网球了,因为他 已感到 厌烦

  • The soldiers were armed to the teeth and ready to fight .

    战士们 全副武装,准备战斗。

  • They were quite unarmed but their determined onslaught made them more terrifying than if they had been armed to the teeth .

    她们并没有武器,可是她们那来势就比 全副武装的人狠得多又多!

  • SEM observation on adaptation of glass ionomer silver reinforced restorative to the teeth

    银粉玻璃离子粘固剂 体组织间密合度的扫描电镜观察

  • When the mechanical loading applied to the teeth it will induce bone rebuilding such as alveolar bone bony suture and articulatio mandibularis .

    机械张应力作用 牙齿后,会引起包括牙槽骨、骨缝甚至颞下颌关节区域的骨改建。

  • You might say when I wear my best clothes I am dressed to the nines or dressed to the teeth .

    当我穿上自己最漂亮的衣服时,你可能会说我“打扮得时髦到了极点”,或者“打扮 完美 了”。

  • They are armed to the teeth .

    他们是武装 牙齿

  • At present the superpowers are armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons placing the people of the whole world under their nuclear threat .

    目前,超级大国用核武器武装 牙齿,把全世界的人民都置于他们的威胁下。

  • To the teeth to do is mask the more popular methods of teeth whitening .


  • Then she set her back against the gate faced the six ruffians who were armed to the teeth and to whom the night lent the visages of demons and said in a firm low voice

    她于是背靠着铁栏门,面对着那六个武装 牙齿、在黑影里露着一张鬼脸的匪徒,坚决地低声说

  • Package to the Teeth

    齿 减速机 啮合 效率 研究包装 唇齿 之间

  • They were armed to the teeth ready for any emergency .

    他们已 全副武装, 随时准备应急。