to sum up

[tu sʌm ʌp][tu: sʌm ʌp]


  • I find it hard to sum up after such a wideranging discussion .

    我觉得 内容如此广泛的辩论进行 总结是很困难的。

  • It took the judge forty minutes to sum up the whole case .

    法官花了40分钟 整个案件进行 扼要评述。

  • To sum up we have to work still harder .


  • So to sum up we need to concentrate on staff training .

    概括 说,我们需要集中精力进行职工培训。

  • They want to sum up their past experience before going on .

    他们 总结 一下过去的经验再继续干。

  • Let me take a minute to sum up the main points of this discussion .

    我简短 把这次讨论的重点作个 总结

  • To sum up the proposals fall into nine categories .

    这项建议 综计有九个方面。

  • After we accomplished this task we sit down to sum up experience .

    我们完成这项任务后,坐下来 总结经验。

  • To sum up I think we should take a calm objective view of network language .


  • Let 's try to sum up what we know so as to make the most of it .

    让我们 总结 一下我们所知道的东西,以便于我们能充分利用它们。

  • Ladies and Gentlemen today I 'd like to sum up some of my secrets of success .

    女士们,先生们,今天我 总结一下我成功的秘密。

  • They can help the masses to organize production and to sum up experience .

    他们可以帮助群众组织生产, 帮助群众 总结经验。

  • So to sum up we 've got to pay more attention to profitability and cost control .

    所以, 总而言之,我们必须更加注意获利能力和成本控制。

  • To sum up the US and China may both be repositioning and trying out new policies with Burma .

    概括 ,美国和中国都可能被重新定位,并尝试与缅甸的新政策。

  • To sum up : We welcome the statement of the Government and appreciate its willingness and commitment to work cooperatively with us .

    最后,我们 欣然接受政府的声明,并感谢其愿同我们合作的意愿和承诺。

  • To sum up he is a competent monitor .


  • To sum up life in the future will certainly be very different from that of today .


  • To sum up my contention is that these people must be stopped .


  • The technology is to get through close experiment in10 and to sum up only breakthrough coming true in bioengineering .

    本技术是历经近10年的试验和 总结才在生物工程领域实现的突破。

  • To sum up our customs have value and are an important part of our culture .


  • To sum up there is no instant success in this world .


  • In the long-term medical practice the first people to sum up a lot of valuable experience .

    在长期的医疗实践中,先人们 总结 许多宝贵的经验。

  • We can make use of the event firing sequence to sum up and calculate the data .

    我们可以使用事件序列 总结和估算数据。

  • Guide the pupils to sum up the experience the methods and the knowledge they have got .

    引导学生 总结学习体验、方法及知识等收获。

  • I struggled to sum up the confusing exchange .

    奋力 总结 这个令人困惑的交换条件。

  • Well to sum up what is the message that you are trying to get across ?

    那么, 概括 来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?

  • It took him two nights to sum up bills at the grocery store .

    他花了两个晚上 计算出食品杂货店帐单的 总数

  • To sum up we cannot deny that both sides are well grounded .


  • It is necessary for you to sum up your experience constantly and improve the efficiency of your work .

    你应不断 总结经验,提高工作效率。

  • To sum up the plan falls into seven categories .

    该项计划 综计有七个方面。