to set up a trust

[tu sɛt ʌp e trʌst][tu: set ʌp ə trʌst]

委托, 托付

  • Schroders ' property business dates back to 1971 when the company set up a property unit trust .

    施罗德集团的房地产业务可以追溯 1971年,当时该集团 设立 地产单位 信托 基金

  • In this process researchers and practice workers of public administration need to discuss and solve these problems : How to improve the equality between government and public ? How to establish shared visions of them ? How to set up a trust relationship between them ?

    在这一过程中,如何推进政府和民众双方话语的平等、 如何 建立双方共同的愿景、如何促成双方牢固的 信任关系,是公共行政的理论研究者和实践工作者必须讨论和解决的问题。

  • Anyway I haven 't been able to set up a top-notch go-between he 'll trust .

    总而言之,我还没有物色 他会 信任 牵线的高级人士。

  • Sincerely two words for you to set up a mutual trust between the bridge .

    真诚二字会为你们之间 架起 彼此 信任的桥梁。