to infinity

[tu ɪnˈfɪnɪti][tu: ɪnˈfɪnɪti:]


  • The result is a string that slowly rotates away to infinity .

    其结果是产生一个不停 缓慢旋转的 字符串

  • And that 's the minimum amount of energy that I would require to get you to infinity and to have you escape the gravitational pull of the Earth .

    那是能量的最小值,我会要求你们 无穷,然后让你们由,对地球的引力逃逸。

  • So no matter where you are on your way r to infinity if you are at some distance r that mechanical energy is the same .

    所以无论你在, 无穷 的哪个位置,机械能是一样的。

  • A distance of countless light-years still comes no closer to infinity than does a single centimetre .

    无数光年的距离仍不比1厘米更 接近 无限

  • Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts .

    深山远亲在闹市 无人 .从原点 无穷 远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。

  • Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of One Infinite Singular Point of Quadratic Systems ; Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts .

    E2) 有一个无穷远奇点的充要条件从原点 无穷 远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。

  • We can take a very special case and we can take m2 going to infinity .

    我们有个特例,我们使m2 无限

  • First by this method of reasoning you renounce all claim to infinity in any of the attributes of the Deity .

    首先,通过推理的方法,你要放弃关于神性 无限的全部主张。

  • All you do is you make the total energy zero and then you solve equation three and equation five and out pops the speed that you need to make it all the way out to infinity .

    所有的一切是以总能量是0为前提的,解出等式三,和等式五,需要一直 无限 算出速度。

  • If you were here and you go back to infinity you reach exactly that speed so if you fall in from infinity that is exactly the speed at which you reach the neutron star .

    然后 回到 无穷 ,你达到那个速度,如果你从无穷远处,以这个速度落到,中子星上,很明显。

  • And the incentive to make this approximation and carry the sum to infinity is that then we can put this in what turns out to be a very simple closed form .

    作出这种近似,把 和变为 有限项的计算,是因为这样我们能得到,一种十分简单,封闭的形式。

  • And that quantum number was n n and we know that n could be equal to any integer value so 1 all the way up to infinity .

    这就是,主量子数,which,was,our,principle,quantum,number,我们知道,n可以等于任何整数,1,2,3一直 无穷

  • The professional camera for digital architectural photography with freedom of all displacements from close range to infinity .

    该专业相机用于数码建筑摄影,具有从最近 无限 的全位移自主选择功能。

  • It is impossible to count up to infinity .

    数到 无穷 是不可能的。

  • This article brings forward a new method to solve the counting to infinity problem in distance vector algorithms .

    提出了一种改进的方法来解决距离矢量算法中的“计数 无穷”问题。

  • So there was a good question in Wednesday 's class about the de Broglie wavelength and if it can actually go to infinity .

    在周三的课上有个关于德布罗意波波长的问题,非常好,就是它能不能 无穷

  • Yeah . So the force actually goes to infinity and specifically it goes to negative infinity .

    是的,力变成 无穷 ,更具体说是负无穷大。

  • Numbers go on forever to infinity .

    数字可以永远地数下去, 直到 无穷

  • So this is for r goes to infinity .

    这让r 达到 无穷

  • The fields covered with snow became a vast expanse of whiteness stretching to infinity .


  • The surface energy of a material is the work done separate two surfaces to infinity .

    一种材料的表面能乃是将两表面分离 无穷 所做的功。

  • And this is enough is sufficient to get you all the way to infinity with zero kinetic energy .

    这就够了,足够让你以0动能, 到达 无穷

  • Because we know as we go to infinity even though the density gets smaller and smaller and smaller we still have electron density very far away from the nucleus .

    因为我们知道即使 无穷 远处,尽管电子密度会变得非常非常非常小,但我们仍然有一定的电子密度,无论离原子核多远。

  • STUDENT : Why doesn 't wavelength go to infinity as it stops like a standing .

    学生:当它停下来 ,它的波长为什么,不 趋于 无穷 呢,就像一个。

  • But such a progression to infinity is not the real infinite .

    但类似这样的 无穷进展,并不是真正的无限。