titration curve

[taɪˈtreʃən kɚv][taiˈtreiʃən kə:v]


  • Predicting Acid-based Titration Curve without Calculation

    非计算法绘制酸碱 滴定 曲线

  • Equation of redox titration curve

    氧化还原 滴定 曲线方程

  • This paper discusses the application of MATLAB with pH calculations species distribution curve and titration curve in analytical chemistry .

    本文以分析化学中的pH计算、型体曲线绘制和 滴定 曲线 绘制为例,讨论了MATLAB在分析化学中的应用。

  • In this paper the curvilinear equation of the complexometric back titration has been derived the complexometric back titration curve has been drawn and the pN break has been calculated .

    以条材类零件受到集中力作用产生的 弯曲中心 线为研究对象,通过 拟合、插值等 方法分析得出一种方便、快捷描述弯曲中心线的曲线方程。

  • Its ion-exchange properties for alkali ions such as saturation capacity of exchange distribution coefficient the pH titration curve and service cycles were ( determined ) .

    酸改型后,测定了对碱金属离子饱和交换容量、分配系数、pH 滴定 曲线、交换次数等参数。

  • Based on the titration curve equation the titration curve plotting model and linear titration calculating model have been developed in this paper .

    本文基于 滴定 曲线方程导出了滴定曲线绘制模型和线性滴定计算模型,可用于编制各种滴定体系通用程序。

  • We use variable-thermal IR spectrum variable-thermal powder X-ray diffractogram and acid-base titration curve to approach the decomposition temperature of the coordination compounds and their pH range of stability in water solution .

    利用变温IR光谱、变温X&射线粉末衍射图和酸碱 滴定 曲线,对配合物的分解温度以及在水溶液中稳定存在的pH值范围进行了初步探讨。

  • Calculating and Plotting Titration Curve of Polybasic Acid

    多元酸 滴定pH的计算和 滴定 曲线绘制

  • Alkali admixture is determined by automatic electric potential titration and One ank-derivative curve to determine titration terminal point . Compared to double index sign method the automatic electric potential titration has more advantages : Mensuration terminal point delicacy smaller error and so on .

    在混合碱的测定中,采用自动电位 滴定一阶导数 曲线 确定滴定终点,与双指示剂法相比,本法具有终点灵敏、误差小等优点,大大提高了测定结果的准确度和精密度。

  • Computer method for plotting titration curve and calculating linear titration

    滴定 曲线绘制和线性滴定的计算机方法

  • The Calculation of Coordination Titration Curve

    滴定 曲线的计算

  • This program can not only calculate the pH value of any solution rapidly but also draws the acid-base titration curve very conveniently .

    该程序不仅可方便、精确地计算出各种酸碱溶液以及各种酸碱溶液的混合溶液的pH值,而且在屏幕上迅速地显示酸碱 滴定 曲线,其中包括各种 实验 方法无法滴定的溶液的 滴定 曲线

  • The curves of the adhesion force as the function of the solution pH values ( force titration curve ) was obtained .

    测定 包覆 Si3NOH NH2基功能化的 样品之间的粘滞力,得到了作为溶液pH值函数的粘滞力曲线(力 滴定 曲线)。

  • Research on the Ubiquity of Acid Base Titration Curve Equation and the Development of its CAT Program

    酸碱 滴定 曲线方程的共性与CAT软件

  • A new procedure of potentiometric acid-base titration and curve fitting is described for determining very weak acids and bases .

    提出测定极弱酸极弱碱的电位酸碱 滴定 拟合方法。

  • Potential titration curve of deacetylation degree of chitosan was studied by Microsoft Excel software . The deacetylation degree can be calculated through the volume of sodium hydroxide used between two abrupt change .

    用microsoftexcel研究了电位 滴定 测定壳聚糖的脱乙酰度的 滴定 曲线,利用两个突跃之间的氢氧化钠的用量计算了脱乙酰度。

  • The parameters for estimating acidic sensitivity of soils were statistically gained by using the titration curve of acid and alkali .

    根据酸碱滴定 曲线,进行统计分析和 数学拟合,提出以酸碱 滴定 曲线 拟合 方程的斜率表征土壤酸缓冲能力的新方法。

  • Let life be a titration curve !

    让生活成为一条 滴定 曲线

  • The application of Excel software in plotting titration curve was introduced through plotting the titration curve of strong base to strong acid and weak acid of the same concentration ;

    通过对一元强碱滴定同浓度一元强酸及弱酸滴定曲线的绘制步骤,介绍其在绘制 酸碱 滴定 曲线中的应用;

  • Calculating pH and Drawing Acid - base Titration Curve by Computer

    酸碱 滴定 曲线的计算机显示

  • Study on inflection points in complexation titration curve

    络合 滴定 曲线拐点的理论探讨

  • The slope of titration curve is at a minimum .

    滴定 曲线的斜率处于最低值。

  • Uniform treatment of titration curve

    滴定 曲线的统一处理

  • This paper manipulates the titration system of polybasic acid ( phosphoric acid ) based on acid-base equilibrium theory and acid-base proten theory . It accurately calculates the pH of the solution among the titration procedure and plots its titration curve .

    本文根据酸碱平衡理论和酸碱质子理论对多元酸(磷酸)的滴定体系进行处理,准确计算了其滴定过程中溶液的pH值,并绘制出其 滴定 曲线

  • Determination of equivalence volume potentiometric titration by cubic curve fitting

    三次 曲线拟合法确定电位 滴定 终点

  • According to the original definition of titration error and titration curve equation a general model for titration error has been built up .

    本文从滴定误差直接定义出发,结合 滴定 曲线方程,建立滴定误差统一模型。

  • General formulas of acid base titration curve complexometric titration and general formulas of buffer solution of mixed acides index are introduced .

    介绍了 酸碱 滴定 曲线通用计算公式、络合滴定通用计算公式、氧化还原滴定通用计算公式、混合体系缓冲容量的通用算法以及这些公式在图形处理中的应用。

  • The merit of the method is the utilization of liner titration plot instead of Conventional titration curve . Equations are derived .

    这个方法的优点是利用线性滴定法来代替传统的 滴定 曲线