


  • Where the to-be or future steady state enterprise business processes are developed ( design implementation deployment and management ) .

    这里要确定 将来稳定状态的企业业务流程(设计、实现、部署和管理)。

  • At the conclusion of the program the enterprise is in the to-be state defined by the program .

    在程序的结尾,企业就处在程序定义的 完成状态中。

  • A maturity model for SOA should therefore encompass both the effectiveness of the architecture ( product ) as well as the processes required to take it from the as-is state to the to-be state .

    因此一个成熟SOA模型应该同时包含架构的效力(产品)和引领现有状态到 未来状态所必需的过程。

  • The initial to-be model is now the current as-is state .

    初始的“ 将来”模型现在成为当前的“原有”状态。

  • The downloadable project file included with this article includes both as-is and to-be versions of this employee on-boarding business process .

    本文附带的可下载项目文件包括此员工上岗业务流程的原有和 将来版本。

  • You could also have assumed that tasks in the to-be process would take less time which would have shown additional savings .

    您可以认为 未来流程中的任务将花费更短的时间,这将进一步节省成本。

  • The to-be state is finalized as a first feasible step both from budget and timeline toward the ideal process state .

    将来 状态将作为达到理想流程状态的的第一个可行步骤(从预算和时间计划 角度 而言 被确定下来。

  • The as-is ( current state ) process can be compared with the to-be ( future state ) process to verify the impact of the process redesign .

    可以将原始(当前状态)流程与 将来的流程进行比较,以验证流程重新设计的影响。

  • That old man is his father-in-law to-be .

    那老头是他 未来 岳父

  • The development infrastructure in the To-Be topology has these characteristics


  • As-is business processes are then converted into to-be business process which implement the desired changes .

    As-is业务流程又可转化为 to-be业务流程来实现期望的改变。

  • Providing personnel to ensure a smooth transition from an as-is state to the to-be state .

    提供人员以确保从现状状态向 将来状态的平滑过度。

  • BPM involves the activities of modeling the as-is and to-be business processes and allocating resources to implement each process .

    BPM涉及到对原有和 将来的业务流程进行建模以及分配资源实现每个流程的多个活动。

  • The to-be models can then be simulated to identify potential process improvements .

    可通过仿真 to-be模型来找出潜在的流程改进。

  • To project the expected to-be improvement you need to be able to assign a probability and mean time of occurrence for events in the process model .

    为了达到所 预期的改进,你需要能为流程模型中的事件分配一定发生机率与平均发生时间。

  • The to-be process models form the basis of the top-down process decomposition technique .

    将来 的流程模型构成了自顶向下的流程分解技术的基础。

  • Chinese mothers-in-law to-be it seems can be an unforgiving bunch .

    中国的 丈母娘们似乎是不饶人的一群。

  • Also modeling and simulating as-is and to-be ( future ) business processes will allow for the identification of costs delays or areas for automation .

    另外,通过建模和模拟原始和 将来业务流程,将能够确定成本、延迟或能实现自动化的方面。

  • As a result of the business modeling effort there may be designed business processes ( the to-be processes ) that can be seen as the functional requirements for the system under design .

    通过业务建模工作,可能会出现已经过设计的业务流程(即 未来的流程),对于正在设计中的系统,它们可以被视为功能性的需求。

  • I work for the to-be .

    我为 将来而工作。

  • The business analyst uses simulation and analysis to create a future state or a to-be version of the model .

    业务分析人员使用模拟和分析来创建将来的状态(或者说是模型的“ 将来”版本)。

  • A to-be model was created based off the as-is model .

    将根据初始模型创建一个“ 未来”模型。

  • It gathers run-time data and analytics that might be subsequently used to analyze and adapt the modeled to-be business processes to meet the SLA requirements .

    它收集运行时数据和分析数据,可以随后将这些数据用于分析和调整已建模的“ 将来”业务流程,从而满足SLA要求。

  • In the design phase opportunities are translated to the to-be or future state process .

    在设计阶段,机会将转为 目标或未来状态流程。

  • In the implementation phase the to-be state is presented in appropriate formats .

    在实施阶段, 目标状态 表示为恰当的格式。

  • Many times this includes creating a set of artifacts that describe the to-be state .

    许多次,这个包括创建一系列描述 完成状态的产品。

  • Now you got to know how much that your to-be husband loves you !

    现在你知道你 未来的丈夫有多爱你了!

  • The adoption route scenario prescribes three transition phases for your organization : the As-Is topology the new To-Be centralized topology and shared project workflows .

    采用路径场景为您的公司描述了三种交易阶段:As-Is拓扑,新 To-Be集中式拓扑结构,以及共享的项目工作流程。

  • But the reality is there is no to-be state .

    但是,事实上不存在 这种 目标状态。