to zoom in

[tu zum ɪn][tu: zu:m in]


  • In this paper it is introduced how to transform the bitmaps into vectors in order to zoom in and zoom out the electronic maps without disturbance .

    简要地介绍了利用矢量化算法对位图进行处理的过程,用 满足电子地图的无 失真 放大、缩小功能。

  • The ability to zoom in and out to any level made a lot more possible .

    可以 放大,缩小,到达任何层面,让更多的成为可能。

  • Scientists used a super computer called HECToR based in Edinburgh to ' zoom in ' on the formation of an egg .

    科学家们利用一台超级电脑 放大鸡蛋形成的过程。这台超级电脑名 HECToR,放在爱丁堡。

  • Click to zoom in on your picture .

    单击该 按钮 放大您的图片。

  • To zoom in and center a block of content or an image .

    放大和中心的内容或图像块。要 缩小缩放 )。

  • Click to zoom to the background in the active view window

    单击该 按钮 缩放到活动视图窗口的背景 大小

  • Use the comma and period button as necessary to zoom and in out if you need .

    使用逗号和必要期间按钮 放大和指出,如果你需要。

  • You can also pinch to zoom in as well as to jump back to all the images in a given album .

    用户还可以选中某一相册中的某张照片,捏住 放大,或是返回查看所有照片。

  • Users can simply click on the thumbnail image to zoom in on a larger clearer picture .

    用户只要 缩略图上单击,就能得到一张清晰的 大图

  • Visitors can touch parts of the scene to zoom in ( a handy substitute for the binoculars I forgot to take ) shift the view from day to night or call up historical notes in English or Japanese .

    通过触摸屏幕,游客可以 放大某些景点(本人忘了带望远镜,手动触摸即可解决之),白天的景与夜景可以自由切换,以及点出英语或日语的相关历史注解。

  • Cut generated image of the source cutting the time to let users zoom in or fewer functions .

    裁剪生成图片的源码,裁剪的时候 可以让用户 自己 放大或缩少等功能。

  • To know what the hells wrong is with him I approached to him and zoom in him closely .

    为了搞清楚他到底什么意图,我 走近他并且靠近他。

  • Use Ctrl with the + key to zoom in Ctrl with the – key to zoom out ( this is especially helpful when using full-screen mode )

    使用Ctrl与+键 放大,Ctrl与–键来缩小(全屏幕模式下这将十分有用)

  • On the Apple Watch the crown can be twisted to zoom in or out of the screen or to scroll through a web page .

    在AppleWatch上,可以旋转表冠 放大和缩小屏幕上的图标,或者上下滑动浏览网页。

  • To zoom in on the picture more closely there were three major axes of advance against Japan by three major commands .

    图上 放大 以后,我们发现,存在三支部队进攻日本的三条主轴线。

  • Use the up or down keys to zoom in and out .

    使用上下键放大或 缩小 视图

  • Dr. Brady said that when his team used the device to take a photograph of the Seattle skyline they were able to zoom in and read the In and Out signs written on a parking garage located half a mile away .

    布拉迪是这台10亿像素相机研发团队的领头人,他说其团队在用它来拍摄西雅图天际线的图片时,能够 图片 放大看到半英里之外一个停车库上写着的入口和出口标识。

  • You can also drag the second ( or right-click ) mouse button to select a rectangular area to zoom in on .

    还可以拖动第二个(或右击)鼠标按钮来选择 放大的矩形区域。

  • This is the magnifying glass icon with an dotted box around it ; the zoom region tool allows you to zoom in on the chart to get more detailed view of the data .

    这是一个放大镜图标,周围有一个虚线方框;缩放区域工具允许 放大图表,获取更详细的数据视图。

  • If enough citizen scientists agree that something looks fishy their collective concern will direct SETI 's telescopes to zoom in on the questionable patch of sky .

    在的到足够多“民科”支持的情况下就能让SETI将望远镜 聚焦 那片可疑星空上。

  • How to use this map : to view your local area in more detail please use the map controls to zoom in to your neighbourhood or search for your postcode .

    如何使用此地图:要查看您的地方,更详细,请使用地图的管制 放大到您的邻里或寻找在您的邮递区号。

  • Map navigation tools allow you to zoom in and out pan and select and display the alphanumeric values associated with each graphic object .

    地图导航工具可实现 放大和缩小,平移地图,选择和显示与每个图形象相关联的字母数字值。

  • Activate zoom tool and click few times to zoom in to maximum view .

    缩放工具,点击激活几次 放大到最大的看法。

  • To zoom in on a drawing click the arrow next to the zoom box and click a setting .


  • One use for a mouse wheel in an application is in Web sites that let you upload photos to let you zoom in and out with the mouse wheel .

    鼠标滚轮在应用程序中的应用之一是能让您上传图片的Web站点, 可以通过鼠标滚轮来 图片进行 放大或缩小。

  • While you were using Google Earth to zoom in on your house these archaeologists used it to find places to dig .

    当你还在用谷歌地图 放大 观察你家周围的建筑物时,考古学家们却用它来发现需要挖掘的地方。

  • David Holz Leap 's chief technology officer demonstrates how the Leap allows users to rotate and zoom in on a digital globe with one motion something that would take several steps using a mouse or a touch screen .

    LeapMotion首席技术长戴维霍尔兹(DavidHolz)向人们展示了用户 如何用一个动作就 可以旋转和 放大一个数字球体,而用鼠标或触摸屏完成类似操作需要好几个步骤。

  • Do you know how to set the copycat on zoom in model ?

    你知道 怎么 复印机设定 缩印放大)模式上吗?