top riser

[tɑp ˈraɪzɚ][tɔp ˈraizə]


  • Research for Wall Thickness Design of a Top Tensioned Riser for a Tensioned Leg Platform

    张力腿平台 TTR 管壁厚设计研究

  • Fatigue Damage Analysis of Vortex Induced Vibration for Deep-water Top Tension Riser

    深水 张力 涡激振动疲劳损伤分析

  • The effect of drilling vessel motion top tension and wall thickness of the riser joint on fatigue damage of drilling riser is mainly investigated .

    重点研究了钻井船运动、 顶部张紧力和 水管 单根壁厚对 水管疲劳损伤的影响。

  • In order to prevent casting defects the combined feeding technology is designed using the proportional solidification theory in which the top pouring dispersed ingate intake combined feeding of gating system and riser are adopted .

    为了防止铸件产生铸造缺陷,运用均衡凝固理论,采用 注、内浇道分散引入、浇注系统和 冒口联合补缩工艺。

  • Based on the permanent mold casting process of Al-piston with top insulating riser feeding process semi-permanent insulating sleeves matching permanent mold casting process of Al-piston have been designed .

    根据金属型铸造铝活塞的工艺特点,采用 顶部保温 冒口 缩工艺,设计了能与铝活塞金属型铸造工艺相匹配的半永久型保温冒口套。

  • From the riser bottom to the top the local particle concentrations near the riser wall visibly decrease while in riser center the particle concentrations only have a small change leading to a decrease for the radial nonuniformity of particle concentrations .

    从提升 底部向 ,边壁区的局部颗粒浓度明显减小而中心区局部颗粒浓度变化较小,同时颗粒浓度的径向不均匀程度减小。

  • A Core-making Process Cured by Acetal Bottom Pouring Top Kiss Riser Gating System Casting Technology


  • The dynamic responses in the transverse and longitudinal directions for a top tension riser under combined internal solitary wave and non-uniform current were considered .

    研究了 张力 在内孤立波与非均匀海流共同作用下的动力响应问题。

  • Riser piles are often used in the development of beach sea oil field . Under actions of environment loads displacement at top of the riser pile appears and it will be harmful to riser and trestle if the displacement is considerably big .

    在滩海油田开发过程中,经常需要设立立管桩,在环境荷载的作用下, 管桩 顶部会发生位移,较大的位移对立管及栈桥的安全很不利,因此需要合理确定单桩的直径。

  • Nonlinear dynamics response of deep-water production top tensioned riser under three different moving conditions is calculated using finite element analysis software .

    通过实例对各条件下 式立 时域动态响应特性作了比较。

  • Generally from the bottom to the top of the riser the axial profiles of the averaged solids holdups become more uniform with the increased riser height .

    气固 提升 中,截面平均颗粒浓度沿轴向呈 稀下浓的不均匀分布,随床层高度增加轴向分布一般逐渐均匀;

  • The larger the top pre-tension the lower the VIV-induced fatigue damage . The VIV-induced fatigue damage increases along with the riser outer diameter .

    适当增加立管 顶部预张力,可以减小涡激振动疲劳损伤。而立 外径较大时,相应的涡激振动疲劳损伤也较大。

  • The finite element calculation of vibration response of deep-water production top tensioned riser

    深水 张式生产 动力响应的有限元计算

  • The pressure dynamic transient equations for separator at the top of the riser reactor main fractionator separator for gas and gasoline and regenerator were proposed on the basis of the equation of state for ideal gas and the change of molecular rates through the vessels .

    根据气体状态方程和容器物料平衡,得到了沉降器、分馏塔、分馏 塔顶油气分离罐和 再生器 等部分的压力动态响应方程。