trade practice

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  • International Trade Practice Is the Core Content of International Trade Business

    国际 贸易 惯例是国际贸易实务 课程的核心内容

  • Firstly this paper analyzes the necessity of bilingual teaching in International Trade Practice .

    文中首先分析了《国际 贸易 实务》课程双语教学的必要性;

  • In accordance with international trade practice both parties once entered into a contract are liable for its execution .

    根据国际 贸易 管理,买卖双方一旦成交签约,在法律上应承担履行合同的责任。

  • China needs her own trade theory in order to guide the strategic trade practice .

    中国需要有自己的贸易理论,用于指导中国的战略 贸易 实践,本文讨论的发展中大国的新战略贸易观正是对这一问题进行的 探索

  • This course is designed in accordance with the contents of international trade practice and international marketing etc.

    该课程主要是针对国际 贸易 实务、国际营销等课程内容设计的。

  • Generally speaking the international trade practice is an arbitrary norm that is only when the parties concerned express or imply to adopt it it has binding force on them .

    一般来说,国际 贸易 惯例只是任意性的规范,即只在当事人明示或默示同意采用时,才对他们产生法律拘束力。

  • In the process of solving international trade disputes the investigation of the existence and contents of the international trade practice is unavoidable .

    在解决国际贸易争议的过程中,对于查明国际 贸易 惯例的存在及其内容是无法避免的。

  • The key that the international trade practice is considered different from the international public laws and domestic laws is that it is the norm with autonomous nature .

    国际 贸易 惯例之所以被认为有别于国际公法和国内法,其关键就在于它是自治性质的规范。

  • Thinking about the International Trade Practice Course to Carry out Open Experimental Teaching

    国际 贸易 实务课程开展开放式实验教学的思考

  • The forth part is about the development and undertaking of processing trade practice in the West Triangle .

    第四章西三角加工 贸易的发展与承接 实践分析。

  • International trade practice is the practice generated in the goods tradings between countries .

    国际 贸易 惯例是在国家间的货物买卖活动中产生的惯例。

  • The international trade practice plays a restraining role in many countries .

    国际 贸易 惯例则是在很多国家起约束作用。

  • In the global multilateral trading system dumping is considered to be an unfair trade practice prohibited by WTO .

    在全球多边贸易体制下,倾销作为一种不公平的 贸易 行为,为WTO所禁止。

  • It does not conform to the international trade practice not to allow a commission .

    不给佣金不符合国际 贸易 惯例

  • Significance of Case Study in International Trade Practice Course

    案例在国际 贸易 实务课程中的重要作用

  • On the Relation between World Trade Practice and International Environmental Law

    论世界 贸易 规则与国际环境法的关系

  • My major field of study at university was international marketing with emphasis on foreign trade practice and business English communication .

    在大学里我主修国际营销学,着重于 贸易 实务和商务英语交际。

  • The previous course is international trade and international trade practice .

    该课程的先行课是国际贸易原理和国际 贸易 实务

  • The applicability of the theory to developing countries has fully been approved by China 's foreign trade practice since the economic reform and opening to the outside world .

    中国改革开放以来利用比较优势理论发展对外经济 贸易 实绩,充分证明了该理论对于发展中国家的适用性。

  • The convention of international trade is formed with long-time and continual international trade practice and has received public recognition which is a series of regulations applicable worldwide .

    国际贸易惯例是在长期的国际 贸易 实践中经反复 实践而形成的公认的、具有普遍适用性的行为规则。

  • This part applies relative analytic indexes to analyze western area 's foreign trade practice .

    本章在第二、三章的理论基础上,运用相关分析指标,对西部地区的 贸易 实践从外贸 商品结构和 外贸 产业结构两个方面进行分析。

  • Based on the analysis of the necessity feasibility and conditional factors of bilingual teaching of international trade practice this paper then puts forward strategies for bilingual teaching .

    本文分析了《国际 贸易 实务》课程实施双语教学的必要性、可行性和制约因素,并提出了该课程实施双语教学的策略。

  • On adding export management factors to the course of international trade practice

    对国际 贸易 实务课程内容加入出口管理要素的思考

  • The second level is often the most urgent problem in case of any dispute on whether the international trade practice is applicable or not .

    第二个层面也往往是国际 贸易 惯例在适用与否发生争议时最需要解的问题。

  • On the integration and teaching methods of the teaching contents of the course International Trade Practice

    国际 贸易 实务课程内容整合及教学方法探讨

  • But Walter spak head of the international trade practice at law firm White & case said litigating the way to free trade would be a long slog for the administration .

    但律师事务所 white&case国际 贸易部门主管华尔特斯巴克则认为,通过法律手段寻求自由贸易对美国政府而言会是一场冗长的艰难跋涉。

  • The course of International Trade Practice is the core course of the economics and trade major in vocational colleges .

    《国际 贸易 实务》是高职院校经贸类专业的核心课程,具有很强的实践性。

  • As a professional core course for Business English majors in higher vocational colleges International Trade Practice is in great need for bilingual teaching reform .

    《国际 贸易 实务》作为高职商务英语专业的一门核心专业课程,实施双语教学尤为重要。

  • While outsourcing as a new form of international division of labor it has been widely and commonly used in the international trade practice in recent years and provided the opportunity for most developing countries participate in the international division of labor .

    而外包作为一种新的国际分工形式,近些年来在国际 贸易 实践中得到了广泛和普遍的应用,并为多数的发展中国家参与到国际分工中提供了机会。

  • At all times no matter how great effect does the international trade practice have it has not been generally accepted as the law so it does not possess the certain and general legal binding force .

    无论在什么时候,国际 贸易 惯例的作用有多大,它始终未被普遍接受为法律,并不具备当然的、一般的法律拘束力。