


  • We 've got to tell the townspeople !

    我们已经告诉了 市民

  • Some townspeople surmise it 's the devil 's work based on claw marks on the victims .

    城里有些 猜测这是魔鬼干的,因为被害者身上的爪子印。

  • Their family enjoys quite a bit of prestige among the townspeople .

    他们家在 城里颇有声望。

  • The townspeople allied themselves in the fight for lower taxes .


  • Food shortages forced many townspeople into the country to grow their own food .

    食物短缺迫使很多 市民到农村自己种粮食。

  • But some of the townspeople do not praise the farmer for his action .

    但这个 的一些人并没有称赞这位农民的行为。

  • A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople

    盲目的恐惧感在 市民中蔓延

  • Nowadays with the rapid development of it and information industry cell phones play a dominant role in townspeople 's life . but like everything else they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects .

    如今,随着互联网和信息产业的发展,手机在 人们的生活中扮演了重要的角色。但是,和其他事物一样,手机也有它好的方面和不好的方面。

  • We arrange with the townspeople to billet the students .

    我们和 协商给学生提供宿舍。

  • The townspeople have raised $ 9 million for a new museum .

    镇民 建造一座新的博物馆已经筹集了9百万美元。

  • Farmers were meant to get an income comparable to that of townspeople

    农民的收入本应该与 城里 的收入相当

  • The interests and value of the rising townspeople are reflected in bright entertainment ;

    在鲜明的娱乐色彩中,反映了新兴 市民的趣味和价值观;

  • The instant Romeo disappeared from sight the townspeople rushed onto the street .

    罗密欧才刚消失不见, 城里 居民立刻就冲到街上来。

  • We do our tests when the townspeople are asleep .

    我们在 城镇 居民熟睡时做实验。

  • Most of the townspeople have managed to get out .

    大部分的 居民成功逃脱了。

  • Displayed for the local townspeople by an allied officer .

    展示在当地 和盟军面前。

  • And now my daughter have no fear ; I will do for you whatever you say : for it is clear to all my townspeople that you are a woman of virtue .

    女儿阿,现在不要惧怕,凡你所说的,我必照着 。我本 都知道你是个 贤德的女子。

  • He was interested in humorous poems joking commentaries on the news and satirical observations of fellow townspeople .

    他对幽默诗,诙谐的新闻评论以及讽刺 当地 市民的小品文感兴趣。

  • The townspeople and the garrison soldiers had no scruples about pledging allegiance to the rebel leader .


  • You want us to do it in front of the townspeople ?

    你想要我们在 全镇 的面前杀了

  • The temptation of chocolate gradually awakens the townspeople 's hidden appetites and newly discovered taste for freedom .

    巧克力的诱惑逐渐唤醒了 小镇 居民潜藏的欲望,激发了他们对心灵自由的向往。

  • As the gates open he is welcomed and celebrated by the family of the princess and the townspeople .

    城堡之门打开了,公主的家人和 全镇 人民都欢迎他,为 庆祝。

  • Several townspeople talk about meeting the @ Headless Horseman .

    一些 在谈论遇见无头骑士的奇闻。

  • Few townspeople collaborated with the occupying army .

    没有几个 市民与占领军合作。

  • For centuries the townspeople mined this mineral for dye and pottery glaze .

    数百年来, 人们开采这种矿物用以染色,并给陶器上光。

  • In 1375 the townspeople revolted

    1375年, 市民奋起反抗。

  • The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world .

    洪水 割断了该 居民与外界的 联系

  • And most of the townspeople were in debt to him .

    大多数 都欠他

  • Luke does not specify the sin but both she and the townspeople knew what it was and this debt of sin was overwhelming to her .

    路加并没有具体说明她犯了 罪,但她自己和她的 同乡心知肚明,而这罪债是她 无力偿还的。

  • The students were reckless fellows who often fought with the townspeople .

    学生们都常常卤莽地和 搏斗。