toxic lesion

[ˈtɑksɪk ˈliʒən][ˈtɔksik ˈli:ʒən]

[医] 中毒性损害

  • Conclusion It suggests that a three-month oral levodopa treatment should be not toxic for the remaining dopaminergic neurons in rats with a unilateral 6-OHDA lesion .

    结论长期使用左旋多巴对 6OHDA单侧损毁的PD大鼠残存的黑质DA能神经元 无毒 作用。

  • However the occurrence rate of toxic liver lesion and multiple organ injures was lower in children group as compared with adults group .

    肺损害、贫血、 中毒 脑病的发生率儿童组比成人组高,而 中毒 损害、多器官损害的发生率儿童组则比成人组低;

  • Limb ischemia / reperfusion injury is a complicated pathological process caused by many pathogenic factors including oxygen free radicals lipid peroxidation intracellular calcium overload toxic effect of excitatory neurotransmitters inflammatory lesion and so on .

    肢体再灌注损伤是一个复杂的病理过程,其致病因素包括氧自由基、脂质过氧化、细胞内Ca2+超载、兴奋性神经递质 效应及炎性 损害等多种病理机制。